aS eArLy aS 2 YeArS oLd - StUfF ToYs; aS eArLy aS 6 yEaRs oLd - CoLLecTiNg StAtIoNeRiEs aNd sTiCkErS; aS eArLy As 8 yEaRs oLd -wRiTiNg sToRiEs, cOmPoSiNg SoNgS, sInGiNg, dAnCinG;aS eArLy aS 8 yEaRs oLd -pLaYiNg dRuMs(wHiCh sOmE PpoL dOnT kNoW), cRoSs-sTiTcHiNg, BaKiNg & CoOkInG (pPoL RaReLy kNoW), WaShInG dIsHeS (tRuE!), iRoNiNg cLoThEs;aS eArLy aS 12 yEaRs oLd - MaLLiNg, wAtChInG mOvIeS, cHaTTiNg;aS eArLy aS 14 yEaRs oLd - CoLLeCtInG HeLLo KiTTy sTuFFs, aNyThInG LaVeNdEr, PuRpLe oR LiLaC;aS eArLy aS 16 yEaRs oLd - DiArY wRiTiNg aNd eSsAy wRiTiNg, RoSaRy aNd NoVeNa;aS eArLy aS 18 yEaRs oLd - CoLLeCtInG oLd aNd FoReIgN cOins..NoW - sHoPPiNg, TeXtInG, FrIeNdStEr, CoLLeCtInG CeLLpHoNeS, BAGS BAGS BAGS!, sAnDaLs, sHoEs, fLiP-fLoPs, "TsInELaS", rEaDiNg aNd CoLLeCtInG MaGaZiNeS aNd BoOks;LaTeSt fAsHiOn tReNds, nEwS, POLITICS! AnD mY oWn KiKaY KiT (hAhA!); TRAAVVVEELLLL!!!! :) (with my husband, Leo.)
10 - Prince William 9 - Scott Moffatt 8 - George Bush 7 - Tony Blair 6 - Osama Bin Laden 5 - Hilario Davide 4- Francis Escudero (met him na gli..) 3 - Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo 2- Cory Aquino 1 - Godhaha! kidding aside.. i already met him..Leonard Yungco Ong
I turn to you;What Can I do?;Sometimes;Born to Make you happy;Reflection;Girl in the Mirror;Affirmation;Say what you want;Crash and Burn;Dont Know What To say;Dont say you love me (M2m);Dont throw it all away;I Dont Know You Anymore;I knew I loved you;Ill Be;Iris;It Might Be You;Kiss Me;Only Hope;If Life is so short;No ordinary Love;Push;Its gonna be love;500 miles;Unbreak my heart;How could an angel break my heart?;All the the things she said;Take my breath away;Truly, Madly, Deeply;Sway;Youre my inspiration;Almost over you;Tell Me;Dreaming of you;Heaven knows;Bring me to life;Devoted to you;Beautiful;When I talk to you;Pretty Baby;Dont dream its over;Nobody wants to be lonely;Need to be next to you;Eternal Flame;Rainbow Collection;Thank You;Ang pag-ibig kong ito;Through the rain;Ill never get over you;Thank you;Finally found someone;Finally found;Show me the meaning of being lonely; Too many walls; Tell him; My heart will go on;If I never knew you; All my life.
Mano Po 1;Mano Po 2;Mano Po 3;Legally Blonde 1and 2;The Presidents Daughter;Catwoman;Double Jeopardy;D Anoderz;A walk to remember;50 First Dates;Feng Shui;Sigaw;The Cave;The Crow 1and 4;Brothers Grimm;Hot Chicks;Step Mom;Meet the Fockers;I know what you did last summer;I still know what you did last Summer; Scream 1, 2 and 3;The Skulls;Elizabeth;Shallow Hal;The Wedding Planner;The Wedding Date;My bestfriends wedding;Notting Hill;Bounce; Charlies Angels 1and 2;Scary Movie and 2;Matrix 1;Matrix Reloaded;Devils Advocate;Much Ado About Nothing;Sweet Home Alabama;King Arthur; X-men 1;The Ring 1 and 2;The Eye;The Grudge 1and 2;The Phone;Titanic;A few good men;I am Sam;A beautiful mind;The Patriot;Black Beauty;Sweet November;Dekada 70;City of Angels;Con-Air;Aladin and the magic lamp;Pocahontas;Anastasia;Beauty and the Beast;Little Mermaid;Sleepy Hollow;Harry Potter;Runaway Bride;Halloween Resurrection;Two-weeks notice; Ms. Congeniality;YamashitaThe Notebook; The Passion of Christ.
gHoStWrItEr;jEm aNd tHe HoLogRaMs;MaXXiNe;SaNrIo;CasPer;LooNeY tUnEs cArTooNs;aMeRiCa's nExT tOp mOdeL;sUrvIvOr;LoVeRs In PaRiS (yEaH!), MyX, mEtEoR gArDeN, eNdLeSs LoVe, FeAr FaCtOr, aMeRiCa'S fUnNiEsT vIdEo, DaWsOn'S cReEk; AmAzInG rAcE;RaTeD K;ChInEsE MoViEs;sAvE d LaSt daNce, mEmoRiEs oF BaLi;gIrLs BeHaViNg BadLy;BeWiTcHeD;gOOsEBuMps;sWeeT vaLLeY;aRe YoU aFrAiD oF tHe dArK?;KaY TaGaL KaNg HiNiNtAy;aLLy mC bEaL;aLiAs;24;AnGeL;tHe pRaCTiCe;HiRaM;EsPeRaNzA;MuLa sA PuSo; Kampanerang Kuba; Mga Anghel na walang Langit;MaaLaaLa Mo kAyA;RaTed K;MTV MoSt WanTeD;NaTiOnAL GeoGraPhIc;NeWs;AB PO4 sPoOfS!
ThE HoLy bIbLe;ThE pUrPoSe DrIvEn LiFe; ChIcKeN sOuP fOr tHe sOuL;ThE ArT oF WaR; 48 LaWs oF PoWeR; SopHiE's wOrLd; Da ViNcI'S cOdE; Philippine Constitution; Local Government Code of 1991; Civil Code of the Philippines; Family Code;sWeeT VaLLeY; Nancy Drew Mysteries; Hardy Boys Mysteries;mEg; CoSmO; sEvEnTeEn; VoGuE; LiFeStYLe aSiA;gOOd hOuSeKeePiNg;nEwSwEEk, aSiAwEEk, TiMe MaGaZiNe;kNiGhT iN sHiNiNg aRmOr (JuDe DeVeRaUx);sTaRs sHiNe dOwn (SiDnEy sHeLdon); DaDDy (DaNiELLe sTeeL); sMaRt MoVeS;BrAiN bLiTz;EnTrEpEnEuR
first-God second- Parents (Papa Mike and Mama Sol) third- Friends ko eh fourth- Leonard Yungco Ong