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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

im definitely true to myself.. but at times..people mistook it as a sign of arrogance.. a sign of pride.. but i really love myself.. i venerate myself.. im proud of myself.. i believe in myself.. people might think im a backbiter..but im not.. i continue to tell the truth but at times they misinterpreted me.. i dnt care what other people might think of me..all i know is dat im doing everything to the best of my ability.. and im living my life the way i want it to be.. no hassles... worry-free... not stepping on somebody.. real.. people might underestimate my capacity.. but dats lyf.. i can never please everyone.. but i know im truly magnificent, beautiful and amazing in the eyes of our creator.. in my parents.. in my real friends.. and loved ones.. im happy, contented and blessed with my life right now.. im accepted, respected and most of all.. loved... and i really don't mind if im VOLUPTOUS! it only shows im loved by my parents..dey give me everything..and i mean EVERYTHING.. and i have my husband who accepts me as me.. no point of telling i have to hire another partner in life.. 'coz im happy wid my family, my friends and my husband... ( just be happy and contented also with what you have..) i am an achiever..haha..really..(disgusted??? face me!!!) if u don't like me, don't pretend u like me.. i don't mind having few friends..just as long as they are real.. simple, trustworthy, elegant in my own ways, friendly and faithful, amiable, nice, intelligent and an everdearing lass... Stefanie Bora Mercurio ... a living legacy.... nobody can beat what's inside of me... an angel few can only see.....a LaDy wHo'D bEeN... HaTeD CoNdEmNeD PeRsEcUtEd MaLiGnEd HuRt MoCkEd InSuLtEd BeTrAyEd ScArReD RiDiCuLeD...... bUt NoW a WoMaN wHo'S LoVeD aNd iN LoVe HeArD aNd LiStEnEd WeLcOmEd aNd AcCePtEd BLeSsEd HaPpY aNd CoNtEnTeD ReSpEcTeD HoNoReD VeNeRaTeD HeaLeD mOvInG oN......aNd WiLL aLwAyS bE... S SiNcErE T TrUsTwOrThY E EnIgMaTiC F FaItHfUl A AmiaBLe N NiCe I IdEaLiStIc aNd InTeLLiGeNt aNd FoReVeR E Elegant...STEFANIE BORA MERCURIO ... once stumbled down ... is standing still ... forever blessed... ... a fighter... ... a Living Legacy! :)

My Interests

aS eArLy aS 2 YeArS oLd - StUfF ToYs; aS eArLy aS 6 yEaRs oLd - CoLLecTiNg StAtIoNeRiEs aNd sTiCkErS; aS eArLy As 8 yEaRs oLd -wRiTiNg sToRiEs, cOmPoSiNg SoNgS, sInGiNg, dAnCinG;aS eArLy aS 8 yEaRs oLd -pLaYiNg dRuMs(wHiCh sOmE PpoL dOnT kNoW), cRoSs-sTiTcHiNg, BaKiNg & CoOkInG (pPoL RaReLy kNoW), WaShInG dIsHeS (tRuE!), iRoNiNg cLoThEs;aS eArLy aS 12 yEaRs oLd - MaLLiNg, wAtChInG mOvIeS, cHaTTiNg;aS eArLy aS 14 yEaRs oLd - CoLLeCtInG HeLLo KiTTy sTuFFs, aNyThInG LaVeNdEr, PuRpLe oR LiLaC;aS eArLy aS 16 yEaRs oLd - DiArY wRiTiNg aNd eSsAy wRiTiNg, RoSaRy aNd NoVeNa;aS eArLy aS 18 yEaRs oLd - CoLLeCtInG oLd aNd FoReIgN cOins..NoW - sHoPPiNg, TeXtInG, FrIeNdStEr, CoLLeCtInG CeLLpHoNeS, BAGS BAGS BAGS!, sAnDaLs, sHoEs, fLiP-fLoPs, "TsInELaS", rEaDiNg aNd CoLLeCtInG MaGaZiNeS aNd BoOks;LaTeSt fAsHiOn tReNds, nEwS, POLITICS! AnD mY oWn KiKaY KiT (hAhA!); TRAAVVVEELLLL!!!! :) (with my husband, Leo.)

I'd like to meet:

10 - Prince William 9 - Scott Moffatt 8 - George Bush 7 - Tony Blair 6 - Osama Bin Laden 5 - Hilario Davide 4- Francis Escudero (met him na gli..) 3 - Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo 2- Cory Aquino 1 - Godhaha! kidding aside.. i already met him..Leonard Yungco Ong


I turn to you;What Can I do?;Sometimes;Born to Make you happy;Reflection;Girl in the Mirror;Affirmation;Say what you want;Crash and Burn;Dont Know What To say;Dont say you love me (M2m);Dont throw it all away;I Dont Know You Anymore;I knew I loved you;Ill Be;Iris;It Might Be You;Kiss Me;Only Hope;If Life is so short;No ordinary Love;Push;Its gonna be love;500 miles;Unbreak my heart;How could an angel break my heart?;All the the things she said;Take my breath away;Truly, Madly, Deeply;Sway;Youre my inspiration;Almost over you;Tell Me;Dreaming of you;Heaven knows;Bring me to life;Devoted to you;Beautiful;When I talk to you;Pretty Baby;Dont dream its over;Nobody wants to be lonely;Need to be next to you;Eternal Flame;Rainbow Collection;Thank You;Ang pag-ibig kong ito;Through the rain;Ill never get over you;Thank you;Finally found someone;Finally found;Show me the meaning of being lonely; Too many walls; Tell him; My heart will go on;If I never knew you; All my life.


Mano Po 1;Mano Po 2;Mano Po 3;Legally Blonde 1and 2;The Presidents Daughter;Catwoman;Double Jeopardy;D Anoderz;A walk to remember;50 First Dates;Feng Shui;Sigaw;The Cave;The Crow 1and 4;Brothers Grimm;Hot Chicks;Step Mom;Meet the Fockers;I know what you did last summer;I still know what you did last Summer; Scream 1, 2 and 3;The Skulls;Elizabeth;Shallow Hal;The Wedding Planner;The Wedding Date;My bestfriends wedding;Notting Hill;Bounce; Charlies Angels 1and 2;Scary Movie and 2;Matrix 1;Matrix Reloaded;Devils Advocate;Much Ado About Nothing;Sweet Home Alabama;King Arthur; X-men 1;The Ring 1 and 2;The Eye;The Grudge 1and 2;The Phone;Titanic;A few good men;I am Sam;A beautiful mind;The Patriot;Black Beauty;Sweet November;Dekada 70;City of Angels;Con-Air;Aladin and the magic lamp;Pocahontas;Anastasia;Beauty and the Beast;Little Mermaid;Sleepy Hollow;Harry Potter;Runaway Bride;Halloween Resurrection;Two-weeks notice; Ms. Congeniality;YamashitaThe Notebook; The Passion of Christ.


gHoStWrItEr;jEm aNd tHe HoLogRaMs;MaXXiNe;SaNrIo;CasPer;LooNeY tUnEs cArTooNs;aMeRiCa's nExT tOp mOdeL;sUrvIvOr;LoVeRs In PaRiS (yEaH!), MyX, mEtEoR gArDeN, eNdLeSs LoVe, FeAr FaCtOr, aMeRiCa'S fUnNiEsT vIdEo, DaWsOn'S cReEk; AmAzInG rAcE;RaTeD K;ChInEsE MoViEs;sAvE d LaSt daNce, mEmoRiEs oF BaLi;gIrLs BeHaViNg BadLy;BeWiTcHeD;gOOsEBuMps;sWeeT vaLLeY;aRe YoU aFrAiD oF tHe dArK?;KaY TaGaL KaNg HiNiNtAy;aLLy mC bEaL;aLiAs;24;AnGeL;tHe pRaCTiCe;HiRaM;EsPeRaNzA;MuLa sA PuSo; Kampanerang Kuba; Mga Anghel na walang Langit;MaaLaaLa Mo kAyA;RaTed K;MTV MoSt WanTeD;NaTiOnAL GeoGraPhIc;NeWs;AB PO4 sPoOfS!


ThE HoLy bIbLe;ThE pUrPoSe DrIvEn LiFe; ChIcKeN sOuP fOr tHe sOuL;ThE ArT oF WaR; 48 LaWs oF PoWeR; SopHiE's wOrLd; Da ViNcI'S cOdE; Philippine Constitution; Local Government Code of 1991; Civil Code of the Philippines; Family Code;sWeeT VaLLeY; Nancy Drew Mysteries; Hardy Boys Mysteries;mEg; CoSmO; sEvEnTeEn; VoGuE; LiFeStYLe aSiA;gOOd hOuSeKeePiNg;nEwSwEEk, aSiAwEEk, TiMe MaGaZiNe;kNiGhT iN sHiNiNg aRmOr (JuDe DeVeRaUx);sTaRs sHiNe dOwn (SiDnEy sHeLdon); DaDDy (DaNiELLe sTeeL); sMaRt MoVeS;BrAiN bLiTz;EnTrEpEnEuR


first-God second- Parents (Papa Mike and Mama Sol) third- Friends ko eh fourth- Leonard Yungco Ong