Mery Filth, Necromantic Countess profile picture

Mery Filth, Necromantic Countess

Cuthulu´s daughter. Non plus ultra.

About Me

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My Interests

- Cemeteries - Vaults- Bats - Witches - Fallen angels - Kimeras - Vampires - Deformed - Cats - Castles - Lakes - Pyramids - Esfinges - Necronomicón - Funeral march of Beethoven - Nature - Death - Feelings - Hell - Lucifer - Arch Angel - H.P.Lovecraft -Masoneri - Dragoons - Legends - Samurais - Honour - Blood - Beer - Absinthe - My cats Richy and Misha - My people - Music - Dark Art - Japan - Natural Drugs - Vampires(ups,again) - Gargoyles - Pleasures - Hide symbologie - Dark poetrie - Food Japanesse - Androgynity - Decadence - Fetish - Fantasy - Gothic - Intelligence - Loyality - Moon - Moonlight - Fullmoon - Demonologye - Tatoos - Violin - Wolfes - Elisabeth Bathory - more blood - A cup of good tea - Mythology - Corsets - Armageddon - Black Panter - Suffering - Kidness - Madness - Serial killers - Sea- Faerytales - Medieval tortures - Medieval Europe - Chaos Star- Photography -HR.Giger- Interrogation Chair. Middle Ages Torture-Museum, Ruedesheim, Rhine, Germany

I'd like to meet:

Revelation 12:7-9- "There was war in heaven: Michael and His angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him" (Luke 10:18)."...for then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and revelling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel ans enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flamewith a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom."(H.P. Lovecraft,..The Call of Cthulhu..) LAMENTS OF SILENCE.. width="425" height="350" .... -Lovecraft's Pillow-.. width="425" height="350" .... "Anvil Of Doom - Let the Earth Breathe" Buenos,buenos,buenos!Amon Amarth -Fate Of Norn
Add to My Profile | More VideosCrematory - Tears Of Time
Add to My Profile | More Videos I LOVE THIS SONGCradle Of Filth Haunted Shores 1994

Add to My Profile | More Videos Awesome from the first moment.


I love Cradle Of Filth, is the soundtrack of my life. I..m like all music in general.In special the melody of violins in the night. (But I don..t like comercial music!!!!!!!)
lyrics - libertina grimm .... width="425" height="350" .... CRADLE OF FILTH- Funeral In Carpathia. Wonderful live... width="425" height="350" .... Cradle Of Filth - The Forest Whispers My Name (live)- Oh my filthy god I love this band with all my balck heart!!Cradle of Filth - Born in a Burial Gown
Add to My Profile | More Videos This song is fron "Bitter Suites to Succubi"Hypocrisy - Roswell 47 (live)
Add to My Profile | More VideosCradle Of Filth - Her Ghost In The Fog
Add to My Profile | More VideosAngtoria - God Has A Plan For Us All
Add to My Profile | More Videos ANGTORIA IS AMAZING!!!Kreator - Coma of Souls
Add to My Profile | More VideosMoonspell: Opium
Add to My Profile | More Videos I..m like so much this phrase: "OPIUM, I NEDD YOU BUT YOU DON..T NEED ME"Forsaken
Add to My Profile | More Videos Other of my favourites.


Nightmare Before Xmas- Cradle Of Fear- The Crow- Star Wars (the first trilogy)- Flowers In The Attic- Old Boy- Candyman- Beetlejuice- Chi Woo Su Me (1971)- Countess Dracula (1971)- The Brides Of Dracula (1960)- Vampires (1974)- Schindler..s List- Sleepy Hollow- An American Haunting- The Pianist- Dracula (Bram Stoker..s & Coppola)- Edward Scissorhands- The Lord Of The Rings (trilogy)- Troy- 47 Ronin- 8 miles- The Ring- Artificial Intelligence- Matrix- Blade Runner- Amityville 1992- Zatoichi (samurai blind)- Le Pacte des Loups- V of Vendetta- The Last Emperor- House- Thir13en Ghosts- Joes Apartment- Mary Shelley..s Frankestein- Blade- Resident Evil / Resident Evil: Apocalypse- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory- Constantine- Amadeus- Hannibal- Hellraiser I & II- Corpse Bride- Interview With The Vampire- Hammer Horrors- Full Metal Jacket- Apocalypse Now- Texas Chainsaw- Sin City- Saw I & II- Brain Dead- The House Of 100 corpses / The Devil’s Rejects- Snow Withe- Pirates Of Caribbean- Van Helsing- The Masque Of The Red Death- The Hills Have Eyes- Hannibal- The Ninght Gate- Aliens- Gremlins- Terminator I & II- The Life Of Brian- Frankenstein- The Hidden Blade- Fragiles- Land of the Dead- Silent Hill- Child's Play- May- Queen of the Damned- Scary Movie(trilogye)- El Dia de la Bestia- Danny the Dog- Pitch Black- Seven- Blade- Skyhigh- Master and Comander- Cube- The Mothman Prophecies-


I don..t like tv. I use it only to play with my play2, to see historical documentary, and videoclips!!! :DEste pedazo de manga, lo pongo en honor a mi hermana metalera.


STEPHEN KING: Black House / Carrie/ Christine / Creep show / Cujo/ The Dark Half/ The Detah Zone/ Heverything’s Eventual/ The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordom / Insomnia/ One for the road.*******EDGAR ALAN POE : (Short Stories) : The Black Cat/ The Imp of the Perverse/ The Masque of the Red Death/ Mesmeric Revelation/ The Murders in the Rue Morque/ The Angel of the Odd/ How to write a Blackwood Article/ The Lanscape Garden/ Never Bet the Devil Your Head/ The Poetic Principle (essay).*******HP. LOVECRAFT books and statements: Fungi from Yuggoth/ The dream-quest of unknow Kadath, A winter wish/ Four prose poems/ The fantastic poetry/ The Necronomicon/ The Nyarlathotep cycle/ Crawling Chaos/ First Writings/ The Little Glass Bottle/ The Secret Cave or John Lees Adventure/ The Mystery of the Grave-Yard/ The Beast in the Cave/ The Alchemist/ Old Bugs/ Dagon/ A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson/ Sweet Ermengarde/ Polaris/ Memory/ Old Bugs/ The Statement of Randolph Carter/ The Cats of Ulthar/ Herbert West, Reanimator/ What the Moon Brings/ In the Vault/ The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath/ The curse of Yig/ The Whisperer in the Darkness/ and alot more...*******ANNE RICE : The Vampire Lestat/ The Queen of the Damned/ Armand/ Blackwood farm/ The Witching Hour/ The tale of the Body Thief.*******Others: Animales que se drogan(Giorgio Samorini)/ Lobo negro, un squín (Marie Hahemann)/ Las montañas de Buda ( Javier Moro)/ Historia General de las Drogas/( Antonio escotado)/ The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown)/ Cannabis y Cannabinoides (Franjo Grotenhermen, Ethan Russo, Ricardo Navarrete Varo)/ Les évangiles apocryphes (Pierre Crépon)/ The Long Hard Road Out Hell (Marilyn Manson & Neil Strauss)/ Diseccionando a Marilyn Manson (Gabin Baddeley)/ Anam Cara- El libro de la sabiduría Celta/ El evangelio prohibido de Judas/ El Sanctum Regum/ Diccionario Demonológico.*******So a lot books of butchery, occultism, black rituals, hide simbology, mithology, animals, natural drugs, Armageddon, wars, serial assesins…I love read!!


I don..t have heroes, but if, pleople that I admire. Bruce Lee, Brandon Lee, Beethoven,H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Alan Poe, my sister Raquel. And all the people who are been really to my side. (I love you) xo xo

My Blog

Teoría del Caos

TEORIA DEL CAOS "La Teoría del Caos estudia el comportamiento de sistemas dinámicos en los que pequeños cambios iniciales se propagan y convierten en desviaciones cada vez mayores. El Caos se puede c...
Posted by Mery Filth, Necromantic Countess on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 06:57:00 PST

Tres clavos para la muerte

Santa dama, Cuando mueras tres clavos te pedirá la muerte. Cuando ese momento llegue, tres clavos deberás ofrecerle.   Con ellos clavará tu ser en mi cruz, crucificará tu alma inmortal en es...
Posted by Mery Filth, Necromantic Countess on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 10:09:00 PST

Los textos prohibidos. Las criaturas del averno...

Eso que no está muerto, que puede permanecer eternamente, y con desconocidos eones incluso la muerte puede fenecer. -Abdul Al-hazred Año 730 en Damasco-   (el texto no está mal escrito, es castel...
Posted by Mery Filth, Necromantic Countess on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 12:31:00 PST

Mi vampírico amor eterno.

Noches eternas, Oscura obsesión. Diosas de sal, Brillante visión.   No hay descanso en la casa del mal. Ven, acércate, siente la carne romperse al caer, Siente mi garra oprimiendo tu ser.  ...
Posted by Mery Filth, Necromantic Countess on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 01:01:00 PST

Un angel negro me inspiró...

 Ven aqui...infectame... abre el mapa de mi piel. Ven a mi ser despiadado protegeme con tus alas, solo quiero estar a tu lado.   Yo, la hija de la muerte solo quiero curar tus heridas, ...
Posted by Mery Filth, Necromantic Countess on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 02:34:00 PST