A-Dub profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Your results:
You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 80% Green Lantern 75% Iron Man 65% Catwoman 65% Superman 60% The Flash 60% Hulk 55% Batman 55% Wonder Woman 47% Supergirl 42% Robin 32% You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
Your results:
You are Mr. Freeze Mr. Freeze 54% The Joker 52% Venom 45% Mystique 44% Kingpin 42% Green Goblin 40% Apocalypse 36% Dr. Doom 36% Two-Face 36% Magneto 31% Lex Luthor 29% Catwoman 28% Poison Ivy 28% Dark Phoenix 25% Juggernaut 24% Riddler 19% You are cold and you think everyone else should be also, literally.
Click here to take the "Which Super Villain am I?" quiz...

My Interests

Music. Authentic, raw, passionate music...

I'd like to meet:

Strong minds and compassionate hearts...


CLASSICAL: 105.1 KMozart, 91.5, Yoyoma, Chopin
POP: It all sucks and should be wiped from the Earth (Minus Michael Jackson, the greatest of all time. Point courtesy of Big T 3/25/06)
COUNTRY: Haven't gone too deep in it
R&B: Brian McKnight still holds it down
JAZZ: Miles Davis, my knowledge ends there
HIP HOP: Renegade Soldiers, beautifully deadly like a black panther stalking it's prey


I could name movies forever, so I'll give you the actors I like and I'd recommend seeing their whole body of work...
1. Nicolas Cage
2. John Travolta
3. Samuel L. Jackson
4. Denzel Washington
5. Leonardo DeCaprio
6. Uma Thurman
7. Al Pacino
8. Scarlett Johansen
9. Robert Deniro
10. Vince Vaughn
11. Halle Barry (Minus Catwoman)
12. Sylvester Stallone (He made Rocky...Rocky)
13. Christopher Lambert (His role in The Matrix series got me)
14. William Shatner
15. Tommy Lee Jones
16. Will Smith
17. Christina Richie
18. Mel Gibson
19. Morgan Freeman
20. Brad Pitt
21. Johnny Depp
Just to name a few...


Discovery Channel History Channel Adult Swim


The Platinum Rainbow
From Sambo to Superspade
The Art of War
The Hagakure
The Book of Five Rings


Bob Marley
Melvin van Peebles
My great grandfather
My mom
My friends
The first man to cook meat
Black Thought (The Roots)
David Mann
Indian Larry
Those that died standing for their beliefs and defending truth