Adicta a la adrenalina, la mente humana, la música y el video.
:::Fabrico videos:::
La imagen es una arma de comunicación y expresión por el cual llegamos a crear las más diversas reacciones del espectador.
Me gusta jugar,provocar y mostrar las diferentes conductas humanas individuales y colectivas.
Experimento y evoluciono con la técnica.
Imagen en movimiento o estática, sincronizada o no, al ritmo de una melodÃa o del silencio.
::::Según Van Gogh, la perfección es el triunfo del individuo sobre el arte::::
Addict to the adrenalin, the human mind, music and the video.
:::I make videos:::
The image is a weapon of communication and expression by which we got to create the diverse reactions of the spectator.
I like to play, to cause and to show the different individual and collective human conducts.
Experiment and I evolve with the technique. Image in movement or statics, synchronous or no, to the rate of one melodÃa or of silence.
::::According to Van Gogh, the perfection is the triumph of the individual on the art::::
Blanali y Kowalski
MISYOS-Bajo tu mirada
Photoclick y Kowalski
Misyos-Bajo tu mirada..
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East according to the State, becomes and the social necessities, as strong the commercial languages change.
We listen in the streets, that they invade to us, that is occupying our place. But, of which way? PACIFIC. With this session my intention is to remember the way to invade that that has the West, and if, to try to make a comparison of as others act and, and once again to include/understand and to tolerate.
It is a tribute to victimas of the war. For which Hiroshima? Because it creates curiosity to me and it makes bristle the skin to me
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With track of Aalms, Permanent Ousiders I have gambled a partidita of Risk. It has sent soldiers of pais for another one, with luck of which DAD-(os) was of my part. That amused it is to win!
The time demands violence, but we only obtain abortion explosions(H. Miller) Una partidita de Risk..
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vidaMiaAñadir a Mi perfil | Más vÃdeos
EMBARQUE is one of tracks that Gastón Arevalo has yielded to FLUMO for Fluids, and with that so with pleasure I have wanted to fuse with imagenes.
You are on the awares underneath the water?
- If, but it hurts
-It depends on means, depends on where you be
-I am on the awares underneath the water and upon it stars them
Embarque-¿Abres los ojos debajo del agua?Add to My Profile | More Videos
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VIG con parte del live de "The Machinist"
with part of live of "The Machinist", it is a reflection of which we are and which allow us to be.
Because all we have internal posters, shades and tiny beasts, these to my to seem, most interesting and to whom more I admire.
V.I.GAñadir a mi perfil | Más Videos
FREEO with "Think" by Marthin Schulte
The sensation of cold is strange when the atmospheric temperature is of 42º C. For me, he is most similar to have a thistle nailed in the heart. If you obtain quitarte a thorn, the blood leaves sudden flight and runs and runs.
To this one New sensorial state demonino FREEO
Gracias Jaime. Gracias Helena.
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MISTREAD con promo" Vuelta y vuelta" de Lektrono
"Threatening glances, emotional manipulation, verbal abuse, intentional and/or true humiliation I mistreat physicist.
Every day million people they undergo maltratos, psychological and physical. Utopia is one to think that someday this crime can disappear, but if it must teach and educate the people who undergo them that they can change its situation.
Mistread is only one more a tear, but it fights from its heart.
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boteRresKo with "Tokao" by Abrah & V.Rotz
The policy is defined as the "exercise of the power" in relation to a conflict of interests. According to it defines Carld Schmitt, it is a friend or foe dialectic game or that has in the war its Maxima expression.
Both play the doctors. Perversidad? Why no?
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