First of all I want to thank GOD for giving me the best thing ever LIFE without you I would not be here to learn and respond to whatever you bring my way. Next thing I am thankful for are the people who has brung so much inspiration in my life especially to the Woman who didn't get to see the world for very long like I do My Mother who holds every special places in my heart I Love You Dearly..Born and Raised in the Bronx was actually great yes I went through many struggles trails and tribulation with out struggles no progress (remember that)but I have overcome many. But I love life having to grow up very quickly was my struggle but finding my light is my inspiration my passion,love,happiness is ME!! Very simple never asking for too much is me I'm happy with what I have, what I will recieved and who I am blessed with Family, Friends and Associates.. Last but not least for those who thought they can break me you only made me stronger so Thank You. One luv Faimbridge love layout @ Unique MySpace Layouts - Movie Layouts - Music Layouts - More MySpace Layouts! - MySpace Tools
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