Playing in the REOFFENDERS, going on holiday, playing guitar (badly), Monopoly (and winning), buying shiny things, carving Halloween pumpkins
depends whether its people who I'd like to meet without making an arse of myself.
People I would make an arse of myself infront of:
Matt Bellamy
Dave Grohl
John Otway
Dave Vanian
Shirley Manson
will think about that list... i'm sure its much longer
The mighty Goldblade
Look out for me in the red hair!
I like it loud mainly! Foo Fighters, Muse, Sunna, Marilyn Manson, Buffseeds, Smashing Pumpkins, The Damned, Goldblade, Therapy?, System of A Down, Too Hot, Stone Temple Pilots, Nine Inch Nails, Korn, Nirvana, China Drum, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd, Queens of the Stoneage, My Chemical Romance, all to lesser or greater degrees REOFFENDERS at Butlins
Nightmare on Elm Street, Constantine, The Matrix, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, The Butterfly Effect, Gladiator, Interview with a Vampire, Bill & Ted (most excellent dude!), Dogma
don't have one... boy do I miss Kerrang! sob... sniff...However I have discovered TV on t'internet. I love watching the bad auditions in American Idol. Also reminiscing with Star Trek (Voyager or Deep Space Nine preferably), Dark Angel.... I've working up to Desperate Housewives (which does look bloody funny).Need to see Season 1 of 24. Loved season 2, never made it to the end of season 3. I must have missed where Jack Bauer got given super nanoprobes and invisible armour plating - how is he still alive?
Heavier than Heaven - Kurt Cobain biography, The Cat Who Came In From the Cold - Derek Longden, Harry Potter
Isn't this the same as who'd I'd like to meet/not make an arse of myself in front of?