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andrew \m/


About Me

cameraman/drummer/guitarist/vegan/munter. I'm into all types of music but mainly metal, whether its melodic, progressive, dirty, I'll probably like it. Favourite bands at the moment are In Flames, Dream Theater, Mastodon, Carnal Forge, Explosions in the Sky, and as always 8 foot

My Interests

tea, bands

I'd like to meet:

anyone, so long as you're not a dick

This guy:


explosions in the sky, iron maiden, mastodon, 5th threat,


Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. If I have a daughter I'm going to name her Cassidy. Cassidy Taylor, I like that. American Pie, The Edge, Napoleon Dynamite, superbad, office space, i am legend




I started reading The Alchemist. by "started" I mean my flatmate lent it to me and it's sitting by my bed


my dad, Brad Wilk, Gary Smith, Gurdeep the concierge from the Harbour Plaza hotel in Hong Kong

My Blog

I like meeting people

i met Tim from Rise Against on sunday. he's pretty much my favourite lyricist/singer guy and i'm stoked i got to meet him. .....yeah he's all cool and serious and i'm a smiling idiot. but band dudes n...
Posted by andrew \m/ on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 03:22:00 PST

band band band

Some people have probably heard me rambling about this for some time but didn't know when it would actually happen, well as of a few days ago, after a year and a half, I'm no longer officially in Goo...
Posted by andrew \m/ on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 06:56:00 PST

Goon South Island Tour

ok this was meant to be about our tour but I don't have time to write it now so come back later.
Posted by andrew \m/ on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 04:50:00 PST

The Meat Eating Environmentalist

Copied from"The Meat Eating Environmentalist - a Contradiction in Terms? It takes no more than a moment's thought to realise that in terms of land, water and energy it is...
Posted by andrew \m/ on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 02:49:00 PST

music list

i've made a list of all my favourite songs. they don't mean anything they're just songs that i would have thrashed when i first heard them and i could still thrash and love them today and I'll never b...
Posted by andrew \m/ on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 07:28:00 PST

oh what a dumb ow

Don't Lie Survey EIGHT Lasts 1. Last cigarette: Coupla weeks ago 2. Last beverage: V. it's horrible shit but coffee is too warm 3. Last phone call: someone at work who was in the room next to me... 4...
Posted by andrew \m/ on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 05:14:00 PST


Look at the photos during/after reading this and it'll come together a lot better. I left NZ at 1pm on Thursday the 19th of April. Sat next to a nice old couple from...somewhere in California, I can't...
Posted by andrew \m/ on Mon, 21 May 2007 08:04:00 PST

I'm going to America

On the 19th of April I'm going to los angeles, going to film stuff for six days and staying in a hotel in Santa Monica then travelling to the desert to go to the Coachella festival, gona see heaps of ...
Posted by andrew \m/ on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:47:00 PST