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Jingle Jangles

About Me

Hello All,
For some crazy reason I signed up to do the London 10k Run in July . To make it all worth wile I have chosen to be a sponsor for Marie Curie Cancer Care.
They are fantastic people that offer in-home care for Terminaly Ill cancer paitients as well as Hospices, medical research into new treatments for cancer and a whole raft of other good stuff.
Its an unfortunate fact that 40% of people in the UK will be affected by cancer making this a very important Charity!
Soo.. I would very much like it if you would sponsor me - a short bald fat man - to run his heart out for 10K (6 miles) for this worth wile charity.
If you fancy it you can donate online via the Link below!
About me... Well, this May I will be 29. So I am starting to knock on a bit! I seem to flip between feeling old and feeling like a teenager. Its not a bad compromise. I get to go out, have fun and then feel guilty about doing stupid stuff when I should know better!Recently got my CBT, this allows me to ride my Suzuki GN 125 motorbike out and about... I am working towards taking my full test at some point in the future, probably just before my 40'th birthday when full on midlife crises is in swing!Currently trying to be a bit more grownup and get a house with my bro. One foot on the ladder as they say!

My Interests

Movies, Clubs, pubs, bodyart, some geaky stuff, books, theater, cinima, traveling, drinking!

I'd like to meet:

People from my days in the states - You out ther Mat, Ryan, PJ? Peeps from Wesley D. Tisdale Elementary School - Ramsey USA. Hares Foot Senior school - Berkahmpstead England.

Mates of old and new peeps...


Just listened to Iron Maiden, got Block Party and Faith No More Playing my car and a bit of everything from Gerry Rafity, to The Streets, Moloko, Ozzy (Pre 90's!), Metafixm, Faithless, Anterax, Mike OldField, Enigama etc. etc. etc. in my CD Collection.


Love most funny films, Like off beat stuff too. Love Kevin Smith movies, Lord Of the rings etc. Easily pleased for the most part.


Scrubs, Friends, Spaced, documenteries, futurama etc.


Shelly Jackson - Lovely Boanes, Neil Gaymen - American Gods, Poppy Z. Bright - drawing blood, Lost souls, Ian Banks - wasp factory, the bridge, fersom engin, Tolken - hobbit..


Tough one, for being pretty much a self made man, my dad... The person who invented the BBQ sauce you get from my Local Chinese, the geza from Young Eninestine that invented fizzy beer... Les Paul, Nuno Brentcourt (form creteoing the N series of guitar!), Ozzy, people like Cliff Raven, Jim Ward, Fakier, Mr Sebastian, Kevin Smith all sorts!

My Blog

Q’s stolen from laine

What does your MySpace quote mean? Had surgery to make me more feline is a quote from a documentary I saw about plastic surgery. I liked it 2. Elaborate on your default photo: Spain with the lads, tw...
Posted by martin on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 05:49:00 PST

Thai Green Curry...

Man flu, MAN FLU! urg, I sit hear for the third moning on the trot feeing pretty pants having hot flush after cold spell! Urg. Called in sick to work yesterday, I think I would have gone supernova if ...
Posted by martin on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 11:52:00 PST

Finaly there...

Welp, I think we have done it.  The house is empty and clean.  Another hard day, another long weekend but the end is in site. Nelly (I think) is collecting the keys tonight, they get handed ...
Posted by martin on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 11:21:00 PST

Finaly, I'm "Home"...

I have finaly done it, I have moved into my own house... Spent Most of yesterday, untill 6'ish backing, moving etc.  And today I was moving stuff again untill probably 7.  I am fucking nacke...
Posted by martin on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 03:19:00 PST

British London 10k Run for Marie Curie Cancer Care.. Done!!!!

The British London 10k Run was today and 8 people from decended appon it and managed to get round all 10 Kiliometers of the course in very resnable times!  Ranaging ...
Posted by martin on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 11:18:00 PST

Larga is no a cocktale!

Not long back from Spain and I think it is safe to say that I am fuckered...  The holiday was more of an Indurance Trial in drinking and sleep deprovation! We saw the sun come up on alot of night...
Posted by martin on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 08:34:00 PST

I am officialy

A home Owner!!! :oD   Everythign went through, the keys are at the estate agents... Andy is gona go and pick them up at 1:30'ish... Tonight I will walk over the threshold of a house that /my/ hou...
Posted by martin on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 03:40:00 PST

Furry Munkles

Well, I have transfered the last of the solicitors fees over to them..  over £3300 worth...  *Ouch* We are still on track to get the keys friday :) All starting to get very real and a little...
Posted by martin on Wed, 30 May 2007 02:06:00 PST

Third time in a year, or more?

I scored a fantastic goal tonight... Only the second third game I have done that in, and it was against Sparky :)   Happy Days!   Oh, and there is a remote chance we might exchange contracts...
Posted by martin on Tue, 22 May 2007 03:16:00 PST

One step forwards two steps back

Me and Andy where kinda hopeing that we would be exchanging contracts today.  The lady at Shoosmiths said that she would call us today, things could be done and dusted and that we might have the ...
Posted by martin on Mon, 14 May 2007 02:17:00 PST