Movies, Clubs, pubs, bodyart, some geaky stuff, books, theater, cinima, traveling, drinking!
People from my days in the states - You out ther Mat, Ryan, PJ? Peeps from Wesley D. Tisdale Elementary School - Ramsey USA. Hares Foot Senior school - Berkahmpstead England.
Mates of old and new peeps...
Just listened to Iron Maiden, got Block Party and Faith No More Playing my car and a bit of everything from Gerry Rafity, to The Streets, Moloko, Ozzy (Pre 90's!), Metafixm, Faithless, Anterax, Mike OldField, Enigama etc. etc. etc. in my CD Collection.
Love most funny films, Like off beat stuff too. Love Kevin Smith movies, Lord Of the rings etc. Easily pleased for the most part.
Scrubs, Friends, Spaced, documenteries, futurama etc.
Shelly Jackson - Lovely Boanes, Neil Gaymen - American Gods, Poppy Z. Bright - drawing blood, Lost souls, Ian Banks - wasp factory, the bridge, fersom engin, Tolken - hobbit..
Tough one, for being pretty much a self made man, my dad... The person who invented the BBQ sauce you get from my Local Chinese, the geza from Young Eninestine that invented fizzy beer... Les Paul, Nuno Brentcourt (form creteoing the N series of guitar!), Ozzy, people like Cliff Raven, Jim Ward, Fakier, Mr Sebastian, Kevin Smith all sorts!