RiKa profile picture


*~WeLcOmE 2 My YuMeNoSeKaI~*

About Me

I aM jApAnEsE/kOrEaN wItH tHe AbIlItY tO sPeAk AlL oF mY lAngUaGeS~!!! I cAmE tO tHe StAtEs WhEn I wAs ReAlLy YoUnG sO mAnY pEoPlE mIgHt ThInK i Am PrEtTy AmErIcAn~~ BuT pEoPlE cAn Be So WrOnG~!!! i WaS rAiSeD iN aN eNvIrOnMeNt ImMeRsEd In My CuLtUrEs~~~ MaNy PeOpLe AsK mE,"wHaT nAtIoNaLiTy dO yOu CoNsIdEr YoUrSeLf?" ThEn I'lL hAvE tO sAy, "No CoMmEnT." i CaN nEvEr CoNsIdEr MySeLf To Be AnY oNe NaTiOnAlItY.

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My Interests

I lOvE mY fAmIlY aNd My FrIeNdS wHo AlWaYs KeEp Me InTeReStEd~!! OtHeRs WoUlD iNcLuDe: ArT, fAsHiOn, RuNwAyS, jApAn, KoReA, YaZaWa Ai, PaRaDiSe KiSs, GoKiNjO, nAnA, dEeP lOvE, mUsIc, ScIeNcE-fIcTiOn NoVeLs, MeMoIrS oF a GeIsHa, InTeRnEt SuRfInG, dAnCiNg, SiNgInG, rOaD tRiPs, TrAvElInG, sIgHtSeEiNg, ShOpPiNg, FoOd, CoOkInG, aNd EaTiNg~!!

I'd like to meet:

I gUeSs A lOt Of DiFfErEnT pEoPlE iN gEnErAl...BuT pEoPlE wHo CaN gRaB mY aTtEnTiOn~~!!


J-pOp, K-pOp, HiP hOp, R&b, ClAsSiCaL, nEw AgE, aNd RoCk. SpEcIfIcS: nAkAsHiMa MiKa, HiToMi, KoDa KuMi, M-fLo, HiRaHaRa AyAkA, oHiNaTa HaRuKo, UtAdA hIkArU, bOa, Bi, SeVeN, bRoWn EyEs, WaX, hWeE sUnG, eTc...


I uSeD tO eNjOy HoRrOr MoViEs, BuT dOn'T kNoW wHaT hApPeNeD. NoW: InSpIrAtIoNaL, dRaMa, ChIcK fLiCkS, cOmEdY. sOmE oF mY aLl TiMe FaVoRiTeS: FoRrEsT gUmP, gReEn MiLe, CaSt AwAy, CaTcH mE iF yOu CaN, gLaDiAtOr, MeMoIrS oF a GeIsHa, NeVeR bEeN kIsSeD, eVeR aFtEr, LiTtLe PrInCeSs, TrOy, InTeRvIeW wItH a VaMpIrE, vAnItY fAiR, i-RoBoT, sHaKeSpEaR iN lOvE, fInAl FaNtAsY aDvEnT cHiLdReN, tItAnIc, aNd MaNy MoRe~~


CuRrEnTlY: hErOeS, aMeRiCa'S nExT tOp MoDeL, gIrLs NeXt DoOr, MiAmI iNk, DiRt, SeX aNd ThE cItY, aNd OcCaSiOnAl OtHeRs. I wAtCh MoRe JaPaNeSe DrAmAs AnD sHoWs LiKe: AiNoRi, LoNdOn HeArTs, OoGoN dEnSeTsU, WaRaKiNg MeDaL, aI nO aPrOn. I aM cUrReNtLy WaTcHiNg GoOnG 2 aNd LoVeD GoOnG 1~~


StYlEs, GlAmOuR, PeOplE, eLlE, w, KeRa, AnD aLl OtHeR fAsHiOn MaGaZiNeS~~ oThErS: nAnA, pArAdIsE kIsS, dEeP lOvE, mEmOiRs Of A gEiShA...


ViViEnNe WeStWoOd~!!

My Blog

watashi wo mite..

Naze ningenwa hito wo arino mama mite kurenaino?Naze anatawa watashi wo arino mama mite kurenaino?Gaiken dewa waratteru...Gaiken dewa shoujiki ni narenai...Kotoba dakedewa anatani todokanai..Kimochi d...
Posted by RiKa on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 10:52:00 PST

like ice

no matter how hard i try... i cannot find a purpose for myself....i feel so blind and lost...i've been lost and lonely for so long that i feel as if my heart is frozen...no where to turn to...no where...
Posted by RiKa on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 06:15:00 PST


i think about the meaning of life.... someone once told me that i think too much about unnecessary things. but i thought to myself....how can it be considered unnecessary when we live for a purpose? w...
Posted by RiKa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

about u

out of all of the people that i have met in the past, you are the only one that truely accepts me for who i am.... there are so many little things you do that makes me happy and that lets me know tha...
Posted by RiKa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


san kagetsuga sugimashita.... watashiniwa nagai jikan... soredemo anataeno watashino omoiwa kawarimasen.... jikanga sugiru hodo... anatani au tanbi.... watashiwa omoimas... "watashiwa...kono hit...
Posted by RiKa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

anata no motoe

anatani atte ni kagetsu han ga tachimashita sono aida nandomo aimashita soredemo tarimasen nankai attemo... donnani ishoni jikanwo sugoshitemo... itsho janaito namidaga deruhodo aitai.... i am...
Posted by RiKa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


you told me what kind of person you were.... but you didn't show that person to me.... now you tell me the person that i see is who you are.... i don't believe..... but what am i supposed to do?...
Posted by RiKa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

all that i can do

time is passing and it seems that everything is getting old. i want this to stop but what can i do? i remind myself that you can only change yourself and none around you. what can i do??? that's li...
Posted by RiKa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My SeCrEt

a good dongseng of mine posted it and i love it~!! My beloved ..... these are the answers i would give to you....if you ever asked these questions.... only a short time has passed....and i susta...
Posted by RiKa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


there are still many questions about myself that i have not been able to answer. and later i realize that there is no way you will be able to fully understand myself or the reasons for my actions. o...
Posted by RiKa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST