hello. my name is haj. { haj is short for hajime } hajime is a japanese name. why i have a japanese name i will never know. i suppose my parents thought that my life would be too easy living in kalihi and being teased as the little fat boy with a funny name was a way to build character. i may have a traumatized inner-child. i am okinawan, not japanese. i am constantly reminded that there is a difference. i really don't have time nowadays to update this thing. i have great friends. despite knowing a lot about me, they are STILL my friends. that says a lot about their character. either that or they are just as fracked up as i am. "a lot" is two words. i will use it a lot here. i TRY not to use profanity unless someone throws something at me or hits me up-side the head. i have no money. i am broke, but not poor. hey... I AM A FUNNY FELLER. I'M ACTUALLY NOT THAT FUNNY. BUT I WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH. YOU ARE A BODAGGIT AND I SHOULD BUST YUR COCCYX IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ME! i am a droper-out'er. i am an astronomy drop-out. i am a mathematics drop-out. i am a criminal justice drop-out. and a {insert whatever frickin' major here} drop out. "drop" is a wierd word if you say it a lot. i read a lot. i write a lot. i speak japanese. i Mozilla Firefox instead of crappy internet explorer. i h8te taxes. i
I AM ALMOST 79.689947% EMO! Holy gee whilikers... I am ALMOST as emo as it gets... I will try to cheer the heck up and stop wiping my nose on my sweater... Take the EMO test at Fuali.com