NEW NEW! festival profile picture

NEW NEW! festival

About Me

NEWNEW! 2007 (15-18/11)

Music : Murcof (MEX), Milanese (UK), Tujiko Noriko (JAP), Phillip Quehenberger (AT), Bodi Bill (D), The Complainer & The Complainers (PL), Elektrabel (CZ), Insect Elektrika (CZ), Jamka (SK), Sonority (CZ), Click Joe (CZ), Zdruzenie pre sucasnu operu (SK), SVKSCHAE (SK)
Discussion: How to Make a DIY Label - with Atrakt Art (SK), Bitlab (HU), Mik Musik (PL),
Film: directors Michaela Grill (AT) & Martin Siewert (AT), Josef Dabernig (AT)
Opening party: Metropolis Session with DJ's Tibor Holoda (SK), Greatest Hits Collective (UK/CZ)
HISTORY:NEWNEW! 2006 (15-19/11)

Music : Otto Von Schirach (USA), Namosh (D), Rechenzentrum (D), Candie Hank (D), Miwon (D), Midi Lidi (CZ), Player One (UK),

NEW NEW ! 2005 (25-27/10)

DJ SPOOKY That Subliminal Kid (USA), Sabot (USA/CZ), Tucan (SK), Deuce (PL), Magnetik (CZ), Nase vec (CZ), Illusionists (CZ), Greatest hits collective (CZUK), Fiume DJS

My Interests


Member Since: 8/21/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: The NewNew Festival is organized and put together by Obcanske sdruzeni Fleda in cooperation with Level B production, Fiume and Me.You. //
Type of Label: None