A fly is on the wall began its journey by introducing ipod battles to Montreal... Wow! Last year, we celebrated Montreal's ipod battles first anniversary at the just for laugh museum.
Here are some pics of the events taken by Thefriendattack:
We've also been coproducing several gigs in Montreal lately...Were you there?
And many more... Also, A fly is on the wall is an active members of NROTB. We've been co-organizing these parties since the day they moved at the Academy club. To know more about NU RAVERS ON THE BLOCK parties, please visit this site: www.myspace.com/nuraversontheblock In the last edition of "The best of Montreal", the mirror's readers have voted for A fly is on the wall in the top 10 promoters, but wait... A fly is on the wall is also a DJ pseudo!!! Did you know? Contact: [email protected]