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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am the Offical Photographer for Johnny Cooper. I also photograph other Texas Music and Red Dirt Music artists, as well as new and upcoming musicians of all genres. Services that I offer: portraits on location, Photography for special events, an on-site photo lab. That means after we I create the photo, in less than 10 minutes, you have a print in your hand. Your photos can also be available .. so that other family members may purchase your photos. This is great for clubs, private parties, ect. No event too large or too small for my services.

My Interests

Photography! I specialize in Compelling Concert Photography, which means low-light situations. I love the ambiance that I capture. My photos capture exactly what you see at the show. By breaking the rules of photographing into the light, that makes my skills unique. I hope that someday I am considered The Photographer of Light. I don’t care how long the job is just as long as I am behind my camera.

I'd like to meet:

Ansel Adams.


Texas Music and Red Dirt of course. Well, you can never forget the classic rock, blues and Jazz. I miss the small clubs along the beaches of Cali that gave us some great music. If there is an artist that needs my assistance with my camera, please send them my way. Im easy to talk too and we can work on something to give them photos to help boost their career.


Hmmm.... easy choice. God, and ALL our servicemen and women. As a former Marine, I still hold my military members close to my side and in my Prayers. May God Bless them all.

My Blog

Mark Mckinney Band Rocks Wichita Falls!

..> Mark Mckinney Band Rocks Wichita Falls Hey everyone. If yall didn't head to Outskirts last night, you missed out on a party. Mark Mckinney and his band were nothing short than amazing. When the...
Posted by Photog on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 09:49:00 PST


the model search is now over.  the work is now being sent to the lab.  thank you ladies for all your help. many NEW changes are in the works. plus other things are coming up soon... so keep ...
Posted by Photog on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 07:57:00 PST

locking the doors...

well, here in a couple days, will decide if i will close my photography business down for good.  i may go into detail later.  thanks for listening. Photog  
Posted by Photog on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 05:25:00 PST


got some weird question...  should i get rid of the go-tee?  needin a new promo shot done and lookin at some changes.  comments and thoughts welcomed.  thanks. Photog
Posted by Photog on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 12:23:00 PST

Art show or not?

Well, its another sleepless night.  Lots of things goin on in my lil noggin up under that hat of mine.  I have made many contacts for displaying my work rin art shows and galleries.  My...
Posted by Photog on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:59:00 PST

Moving On...

OK...  its time to move on.  NOOOOO...  im not moving.  LOL  I am going to work on ways to boost my photography career into the arts industry and other places where I can help...
Posted by Photog on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 08:51:00 PST