shakira profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator
yes, shakira is my real name, don't wear it out :o) hehe! seriously, here's a little bit about myself...
i'm from south london (born and bred!) and am currently trying to blaze my way through the performing arts world! i'm working in a dance company doing marketing and media type stuff, having great fun and learning all the tricks of the trade along the way! dance is my major passion and i hope to be involved with it for many years to come :o)
that's a lil tid bit...check out the rest of my page for more :o)

My Interests

Dancing, shopping, music, films, clubbing, reading, travel....all the usual stuff I guess!

I'd like to meet:

this is a bit of a a weird question to you mean in life in general, or just on myspace? i'm gonna answer both...In life, i'd like to meet kind, friendly, like-minded people with have a good spirit, a deep soul, and love to have a laugh! The same goes on myspace :o)


As of 16th October (because my tastes always change!): I like anything and everything - if it connects with me in some way, then I like it, no matter what! I often connect songs with moments, events or even certain people in my life, so music in general is very important to me :o) And as a result, you'll find George Gershwin next to Alanis Morrisette, resting up against Justin Timberlake in my CD collection :o) right now, I'm feeling some really soulful stuff from the US of A (check out Robin Thicke and Sara Bareilles in particular) and some dance stuff too - if I hear any Basement Jaxx, Fedde le Grande or the Bodyrox tune, I'm in heaven! lol!


I know its a cop out, but I don't have one favourite movie. I love movies in general - I spent three years studying them :op there are a few movies, actors and directors that stand out for me though...Alfred Hitchcock, the ultimate master of suspense, Cary Grant, James Stewart (I did a module on them and other old Hollywood actors/actresses, and now I can't get enough of them!), 'Letter from an Unknown Woman' by Max Ophuls (bit of a weepie, but a goodie!), Denzel Washington (if you've seen 'Man on Fire', you know what I mean! He da man!), Star Wars, recent comic book movies ('Spiderman' and 'X-Men' in particular)...can't really pin down anymore than that right now. If I think of some more, I'll add it :o)


I'm an MTV junkie! lol! I can sit and flick through the music channels on Sky digital all day! :op On a more serious note, I was a TV series addict at one point - Eastenders, Corrie, even Emmerdale - I'd watch them all! Then I moved onto Buffy, Angel, Alias, and like, courtesy of Sky Digital :o) Nowadays, its more X Factor or Big Brother (when they're on of course!) They're so friggin addictive! I'm also liking some of BBC's efforts with Doctor Who and Robin Hood :o) My favourite TV series to keep giong back to at the moment though is Friends - can't beat it!!


My favourite authors and books of all time (so far!) are John Grisham, Judy Blume (her books got me through my childhood and my teens!) and JK Rowling and the Harry Potter books. Ihave read a couple of books recently that I would HIGHLY recommend...the Dan Brown collection, especially 'Angels and Demons' and 'The Da Vinci Code' - unputdownable! (I know that's not a word, but you know what I mean!) and then Danny Wallace's 'Yes Man' - it'll have you laughing out and not caring about who hears you cause its so damn funny!


Generally, anyone who chooses puts their life on the line every day of their working life so the rest of us can be safe and keep our way of life. Personally, my family. Don't know where I would be without them. No matter what happens, we always come out ok the other side :o)

My Blog

so, how d'ya like my new layout?

This is just a quickie :o) changed my layout last night - you like?! :op I just fancied a change! All i need now is a new profile pic...i'll have a look through all my pics and see if i can find a hal...
Posted by shakira on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 01:48:00 PST

you're WICKED, mr julian!

have to say a big thanks to jules 'mr julian' lauer for helping me pimp out my page a bit more :o) had no idea how to put a picture as my background, so jules provided the know-how and the code! thank...
Posted by shakira on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 01:54:00 PST

slowly, but surely....

hello all! just before i get started, i'm doing this in the plain text blog editor, cos my mac can't take the advanced editor :op so, who knows what this will look like once i'm finished! i hope you ...
Posted by shakira on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 12:24:00 PST

in the words of xzibit.... myspace is officially being pimped! hehe!well, it ain't completely there yet, but its getting there :o) got LOADS of pics up, and have added some other bits and bobs. just gotta fill out all the...
Posted by shakira on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 02:06:00 PST

oh my gosh....haven't been here in a while...

hey diddily oh! wassup? nothing much, huh? well, just thought i'd give out a holla and apologise for the plain-ness of my page - it seriously needs some work. never fear though - i will be pimping it ...
Posted by shakira on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 03:44:00 PST

hey all :o) how's your weekend going?

hey! hope everyone's weekend is going ok. just wanted to leave a quick note just in case anyone was reading. if you are, leave a comment :o) my weekend is going so-so....just spent £55 at the hairdres...
Posted by shakira on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 07:48:00 PST

welcome, one and all!

wassup! welcome to my myspace! it's all a bit new, so it'll take a while for me to sort out, but stick with it - it'll be cool :o) ...
Posted by shakira on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 02:17:00 PST