hello world=] the princess is: karolyne and she will shake you up all night long=]
as you just read, my name is karolyne britney denvar. im 15 years young baby<3 i perfer friends with beinfets over boyfriends, commitement just isnt my thing=]. my main bitch is [caci eieleen dougherty] and noone can replace her♥. shes been my best friend since 6th grade and shes the only one that knows *[everything]*. i perfer the phrase privlaged over spoiled . my parents are divorced. im a daddys girl at heart but i love both of my parents♥. i have a sister named tara mychelle and lets just say we dont always get along. but idontcare, i know im better anyways=>. tara gets a lot of attention because shes smart, but i get alot of attention for every other reason. lets just say i love attention, mmk? thanks♥.i live up to my name of most popular girl at school. youll see me highrollin' with my bestfriends and the boys. admit it; youre just jealous.HATERS MAKE ME FAMOUS♥ so just keep on hating bitches, ill spew you shit back faster than you can say "karolyne is the queen bee"i love cheerleading and hells yeah its a sport♥. LiVE iT UPP, DRiNK iT DOWNN yeah baby♥. i like my boys strong, muscular, and gorgeous. peace and punches♥ karolyne is love♥.