Sports, Soccer in specific.... girls... smoking... music... drinking... partying... hanging out... watching movies... chillin... sleeping... eating.
some hot chics on the island that are cool enough to date.
good music... fav's:(from fav. to least fav) : String Cheese Incident, Moe, Keller Williams, Galactic, Widespread Panic, DMB... some rap lots of oldies, used to be big jazz fan (herbie hancock is the man)..soulive is really good...groove collective is high on the list..used to be big classical fan...pretty much like everything except country, it fucking blows.
classics such as godfather. biggest fan in the world of the matrix- loved all 3 of them - they are the best things ever - i know all the words to the first one =/ . haha . pretty much anything with Al Pacino or Robert DeNiro (fav. 2 actors) - dramas...actions.. Pie was good...Event Horizon is scary as hell and should be watched late @ nite with no lights on with 1 and only 1 friend haha. blow was decent... half-baked is sacred. comedies are great when im high :)
24 is the best fucking show ever ( its on fox on tuesdays @ 9 u should def. check it out ) - all of the soprano's are fuckign awesome...simpsons are absolutely hysterical - ER is good on occasions..
books fuckign suck i dont read
spider-man is the shizzle- how does he climb walls?!