American Crusader an idea, not an individual. It is an ideology used to combat the forces of evil that we free people face in the world today. What are the forces of evil? Radical Islam A perverse barbaric movement inside both the Muslim nations and the nations of the West. Muslims who wish to spread their Jihad to every corner of the world. To spread Islamic rule to every nation! Their anti-American, anti-Jewish, anti-Western Culture sentiment grows every day. They indocrinate their children from the youngest of ages, to hate America, hate Israel, hate Britain, hate the West. Today, at the very moment you read this Jihadists are operating in the Gaza Strip, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Egypt, Morocco, France, Spain, Sudan, Somalia, Britain, Sweden, Yemen, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and possibly the United States.
You think that it will never affect you. You are wrong. Jihad came to America on 9/11. It came to Britain on 7/7. It came to Spain at the Madrid Train Bombings. It came to France during the Paris riots and the ongoing "intifada" against French police. It is full force in Iraq against our soldiers. It is full force in Israel. It is ongoing in Indonesia as Christians are persecuted daily, some killed, their churches burnt to the ground. It has infested the Sudan as the Islamic Janjaweed slaughter entire towns, those who do not follow Islam. It is everywhere.
To fight this bloodthirsty and threatening ideology we shall use an ideology of our own. We fight them. We stand up to them as Richard the Lionheart stood up to them. We defeat them as Don Juan and his Holy Fleet did at Lepanto in 1571. Crush their forces as King Jan Sobieski did at Vienna in 1683. Send a message to these animals that we won't let them storm into our land and overtake our people. The free world must unite against this threat, Christian or non-Christian, Atheist, Agnostic. Hindu, Buddhist. Even other Muslims who do not support Jihad. This affects us all! We must unite and fight! Why are America, Britain, Israel, and Australia alone? We need to unite and destroy this black beast that threatens future generations.And if the government doesn't do anything, the people will! Stand up and fight!