BLI$$ GRAY(God’s poster child) profile picture

BLI$$ GRAY(God’s poster child)

Im a product of god (god's poster child)

About Me

My real name is Bliss Gray. I was born july 19th 1985 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. My birth mom gave me up when I wasn't even 1 years old. My dad asked his wife to take me in so I wouldn't grow up away from my brother and my two sisters so she took me in and adopted me and loved me like I was her own. Everything was going good, until my dad and my new mom split up so I never seen to much of my dad but he always made time for his kids. When I was 7, my dad passed away because he was hooked on drugs but he was still a great guy, very loving, he will always be in my heart. It never really hit me at 7 years old that my dad was never coming back until time went on that's when it hit me. Growing up I was picked on a lot and felt all alone in the world because of having to wear really thick eye glasses. After my dad passed, we ended up moving to a small town called Chatham, Kent, Ontario Canada and my mom remarried. The guy was cool at first and we did things together until my mom married him and he did a 180. He later didn't want nothing to do with me so I ended up alone. My brother was there for me at timed but he was out a lot since he was older. My mom always was there for me but she couldn't teach me, a young boy, to be a man. I really needed a father figure growing up. During my teenage years I ended up getting into lots of trouble both at school and with the law. I eventually found God and found a church. It helped turn my life around. Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a rapper after seeing Snoop Dogg, 2Pac, and Dr. Dre back in the 90's. I started working in music in 1998 writing and making songs. I recorded about 3 or 4 songs in my early days due to my music man giving up on me but in 2003 I met a new friend, Nate to come on board with me who believed in me. He became my new producer. We worked together and I released my first album in March 2005. It was titled "Different Phases of Bli$$, Volume 1." In high school I met up with Lil' Dragon. We formed a group called Tru 2 U. I am currently staying busy working on my new albums for 2008. I will be releasing a Christian Rap/R&B Album released by d-lux entertainment Conspiracy Records Look out Bli$$ Gray will be exploding soon!!!
N.I.F.T.Y.: The Candidate
N.I.F.T.Y.: The Preface EP

My Interests


Member Since: 8/20/2006
Band Members:

Record Label: dlux entertainment
Type of Label: Indie