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Gospel: Tye Tribbet, Natalie Wilson, Karen Clark, Joe Pace, Marvin Sapp, etc.
Jazz: Bill Evans, "the loneliest" Monk, Bobby Lyle, Yellow Jackets, Jaco Pastorius, Joey "D", Jimmy Smith...etc
R&B: Brian McKnight, Mint Condition, Donnie Johnson, etc...


The Official House of God Survey by princeyonatan
How long have been in the House of God: 24 years and counting
What generation Commandment Keeper are you: YPU
Have you receieved the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:38: Seeking
What is the name of your church: House of God
Who is your pastor: The Bishop David L. Wallace, Sr.
What district are you in: THE DIRTY-DIRTY SOUTH
Who is your State Superintendent: Bishop Herring
District Superintendent: Bishop John Campbell
Do you attend the state/district meeting both days: Of course....
Do you serve in any state or district auxiliaries: Not yet
Do you wear the district colors to meetings: Sometimes
Do you go to any of the other district meetings: Not yet
Do you fly or drive to Lexington: drive
Are you an all week attendee or weekender: All week when I can
Do you attend the day sessions/services: Both
Mantle or veil: I don't wear them, but veils look better
Casual or dressy attire: Dressy...I'm Pimp son!
What is your favorite night of the meeting: Thursday Night
Aisle seat or in the pew: Aisle if I can get it
Musicians side or Elect Lady side of the temple: Musicians of course
Have you ever sat in the balcony: Yes
Do you stay till the benediction: Sho nuff
Do you wear white all week or just on the sabbath: White? Nah son
Do you think the other convention should travel to different locations: Yes
14th day - sabbath or not: Sabbath...I'm not confused
Lexington Hotel: Embassy Suites
Lexington Restaurant: Golden Corral, White Castles, Rallys, may others...
Bishop/Apostle: I plead the 5th
Elect Lady: I plead the 5th
Organist: Give props to my uncle Mark Mabson, Anthony Williams (keyboards)
Drummer: Stephen Williams, Terry Baker
Bass Player: Joe Friarson, Sim Baker
Guitarist: Cornell, JB
HOG singer: Chief, Ruby Phillips, Shelia Robinson (of course!)
Dancer/Praiser: Malcom X
Choir Director: Askew
Altar worker: Evangelist Stella Taylor
Horn Player: Gersham
Do you like the new church seal: It's decent
Which non-HOG preacher would you like to see preach at our National/International Convocation: Bishop TD Jakes
Which district has the best musicians: THE SOUTH!!!
Best dressed Bishop: Bishop Best
Best dressed Elect Lady: Lady Clark
Last HOG church you visited: Georgetown, SC
Last HOG preacher to preach at your church: Bishop Wallace, sr.
Do you have any aspirations in the church: Become a better musician
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This is who I am...

Practical and good-natured...with a decidedly stubborn streak... Taurus personality is thought to be calm and peaceful, but the man ruled by Taurus does possess a temper. It is slow to rise but when i...
Posted by Jonathan on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:48:00 PST

Quiz Results

I decided to take some online quizes today to find out more about myself, LOL! Here are my results: Your Hidden Talent  You're super sensitive and easily able to understand situations.You t...
Posted by Jonathan on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 04:45:00 PST