love. life. art. music. books. simplicity. nature/environmentalism. animal rights advocacy. meditation/spirituality. ethnic food. anthropology. kandinsky. vintage/thrift shops. pbs. architecture. meliorism. photography. chamomile tea. greek/hellenistic art. things unconventional. rothko. greenpeace. npr. krazy kat & ignatz mouse comics. classic literature. long drives to nowhere. sociology. antiques/flea markets. animal crackers. italian renaissance art. rainy days. corona with lime. eudaemonism. sybaritic splendor. reckless abandon, yadda yadda yadda...
i'm a myspace newbie, and would enjoy meeting folks from varying walks of life. feel free to message me, and pull up a chair. hey, the first cup of joe/tea's on me. [namaste]
peek-a-boo, i see you!
r.e.m., ella, green day, mstislav rostropovich, daniel cartier, philip glass, the gossip, dar williams, morrissey/the smiths, sarah vaughan, keane, the pretenders, j.s. bach, joni mitchell, moby, cole porter, david gray, sviatoslav richter, jewel, simon and garfunkel, the lemonheads, ravi shankar, elliot smith, sigur ros, janet, frou frou, matthias goerne, coldplay, edith piaf, patty griffin, belle and sebastian, barenaked ladies, satchmo, steve poltz, le tigre, jacqueline du Pre, stevie wonder, counting crows, mahler, tori amos, eva cassidy, madonna, chris isaak, jussi bjorling, imogen heap, missy elliot, bjork, natalie merchant, yeah yeah yeahs, cecilia bartoli, radiohead, jim brickman, tracy chapman, shostakovich, goldfrapp, melissa etheridge, sarah mclachlan, beethoven, 10,000 maniacs, pete yorn, elvis costello, patti smith, coltrane, etc.
nights of cabiria, last year at marienbad, la strada, l'avventura, all things audrey hepburn, william holden, gene kelly, montgomery clift too!, the cynicism/black humor of billy wilder, the dark genius of tim burton, koyaanisqatsi, dumbo [yup, the disney classic -- it never fails to make me tear in buckets. ok yeah, so i'm big sap!], etc. :-D
other than news & pbs, i rarely watch television (by choice). x-files, six feet under, old 'i love lucy' re-runs, seinfeld, the "bucket" woman [wince] :::: flee :::: [smirk], the simpsons.
pessoa, e.e. cummings, sedaris, mishima, garcia-marquez, dostoyevsky, paz, gaddis, turgenev, neruda, baldwin, tagore, etc.
Currently reading:
the master and margarita (penguin classics):
mikhail bulgakov
HH the dalai lama. oh yeah, fox mulder too. [the truth is out there!]. anyone else i'm forgetting? also, folks who live their lives honestly, resonately, without apology.