Envy, Botch, Juno, These Arms Are Snakes, Llynch, Explosions In The Sky, Fuck...I'm Dead, Raein, Converge, North Atlantic Explorers, Frodus, Kill Sadie, This Is Your Captain Speaking, I am the World Trade Center
Wong Kar Wai, Antonioni, Bertolucci, Kazan, Wilder, Godard, Truffaut, Buscemi, Kurosawa, 2046, You and me and everything we know, Little Children, Scarlet Street, Blow-Up, Peckinpah, Un nuit americaine, Transamerica, À bout de souffle, Brief Encounter, The Lost Weekend, Harsh Times, Ghost World, Der letzte Tango in Paris, In the Mood for Love, A Streetcar Named Desire, Rififi, Waking Life, Goldenes Gift, Brazil, Der Elefantenmensch, Menschenfeind, Oldboy
Boccaccio, Emile Zola, Aragon, Seneca
Spongebob natürlich