I love everything Halloween. I am interested in special effects makeup, building Halloween props that scare people, playing guitar, welding crazy sculptures together and making people laugh.
I'd like to meet John Wayne, John Lennon and Eddie Van Halen.
Classic rock is my favorite. Pink Floyd, Eagles, Abba, Van Halen. I also greatly enjoy Jazz music like Candy Dulfer, David Benoit, Larry Carlton, and Lee Ritenour. Sometimes there's nothing like classical music to work by. I guess you could say my taste is eclectic.
Young Frankenstien, Jeremiah Johnson, On Any Sunday. I love movies but mostly older ones.
Over-rated, give it up.
Needful Things, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Battlefield Earth, The Stand, The Summer of Our Discontent. Lots of others, I would prefer a good book to almost any movie I have ever seen.
John Wayne, he was the man.