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About Me

I'm a photographer based in Brisbane Australia, I shoot a ton of live music shows for various papers, magazines, bands and labels.Will change the photos up here from time to time. Here's a new Intercooler shot from December 2006, plus a couple of links, one to my existing site, one to a bunch of my photos on flickr...
my photos on flickr

New Intercooler Press Shot. Album Launch at the Zoo Friday Feb 16th.

Pj Harvey 2004

U2 - Stage

U2 Brisbane 2006

Just added to flickr - Urge Overkill, Mary Trembles and The Warm Guns, Screamfeeder at Ric's, and a selection from Bigsound 2006 including The Gin Club, Iron On and Intercooler..Click each photo to visit the set for each show..

Urge Overkill

Screamfeeder at Ric's
Iron On at Big Sound 2006

Recent new photos to flickr - pics from Parklife 2006 and the Halfway CD Launch, plus some from the vault: Sonic Youth photos from 2004, PJ from 2004 and AC/DC from 2001..Click each photo to visit the set for each show..

Here's Mixmaster Mike at Parklife..
Halfway at The Troubadour
Sonic Youth 2004
AC/DC 2001
PJ Harvey 2004
More soon....

My Blog

Urge Overkill, Mary Trembles, Warm Guns, Screamfeeder, Gin Club, Iron On, Intercooler..

So, new photos all over the shop, have a squizz.... tons of pics on flickr now, I do hope they meet your rock needs.. Just added to flickr - Urge Overkill, Mary Trembles and The Warm Guns, Screamfeed...
Posted by sbphoto on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 06:35:00 PST

Parklife 2006 - Halfway- Sonic Youth - AC/DC - PJ Harvey Pics up now..

Have a bunch of new photos up on flickr now -new ones from Parklife 2006 and The Halfway CD Launch, plus some from the vault, Sonic Youth photos from 2004, PJ from 2004 and AC/DC from 2001..Click each...
Posted by sbphoto on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 01:11:00 PST

Valley Fiesta photos now up...

Have a few photos from Brisbane's Valley Fiesta 2006 up at flickr now, have a look : Clicking this photo will take you to the sets ...
Posted by sbphoto on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 03:39:00 PST

flickr a go go..

My earlier tentative toe into flickr world today ended up with me jumping in headfirst, waving flags, shaking my butt and hollerin'. There are now over 200 photos up there, mainly music festival stuff...
Posted by sbphoto on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 07:38:00 PST