tetris=love profile picture


my heart is dead, it's way past beating

About Me

My name is Laura. Rugby is the most kick-ass sport EVER! I 3 the New Zealand All Blacks. I play Prop on my school's team. I love listening to music and writing poetry. I'm a pretty outgoing person, no questions there. Sometimes I can be quiet if I feel uncomfortable, but that usually goes away quickly. I love hanging out with friends. And making people laugh. Boys in tight pants=hotsexygoodness. Going to shows is a lot of fun, especially when big purple sunglasses and skanking are involved. Chocolate is the best invention in the world. Besides the guitar of course. And drums. Gerard Way is one of the sexiest guys in the world. Did you know that I have two different coloured eyes? They sometimes change with my mood. Makes me feel speshul. Hmmm what else can I tell you about myself. Anything you want to know, ask away!

My Interests

-rugby-music-black and white photographs-lightning-thunder-rain-hot air balloons-sunsets-chocolate-hugs-kisses-friends-cute boys-black hair dye-liprings-piercings-boys in tight pants-the colour black-shaggy hair-polka dots-stripes-hoodies-guitars-drums-big sunglasses-fashion shows-magazines-fashion itself-

I'd like to meet:

People? Just don't stalk and kill me, that's all I ask =).


86 this
A Lover's Monologue
After Her
All-American Rejects
Arcade Fire
Billy Talent
Blink 182
Boys Night Out
Fall Out Boy
From First To Last
Green Day
Keepin 6
Less Than Jake
Matchbook Romance
Motion City Soundtrack
My Chemical Romance
Our Lady Peace
Pink Floyd
Saves The Day
Senses Fail
Sister Amadeus
Some Other Influence
Taking Back Sunday
The Killers
Winter Equinox
You Me And The Machine


Alice In Wonderland, The Wizard Of Oz, Fight Club, Finding Nemo, Monty Python, Mrs. Doubtfire, Forrest Gump, Harry Potter, Pirates Of The Carribean, To Kill A Mockingbird (the black and white version) and some black and white movies I've seen on TV.


ANTM, Nip/Tuck, Sex And The City, The Simpsons, Will & Grace, Just For Laughs, The Punk Show, Skin Deep, FTV, The Amazing Race.


Harry Potter series, Georgia Nicolson series, Sweep series, Women Of The Underworld series, Luna, Home Of The Braves, You Don't Know Me, Echo, I Am Not Esther, Define "Normal", The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies Of The Apocalypse.

My Blog

New MySpace account [adddd me]

Hey everyone. Something wonky is happening with this myspace, so I have a new one. I'll update this with details about my username and such when I can alrighty? Just thought I would give everyone a he...
Posted by tetris=love on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 09:39:00 PST

What is happening here?! [rant time]

To start off, let me remind anyone who reads this that it is strictly my opinion and nobody is forcing you to listen to it/agree with it. This is sort of a random/general rant. Okay, here we go: I was...
Posted by tetris=love on Wed, 19 Oct 2005 12:57:00 PST

check your pulse....are you still alive?

It's summer. A lot of people that I know absolutely love it. I am an autumn person, however. The cool air and the pretty leaves get me every time. Winter isn't too bad, as long as there isn't a ton of...
Posted by tetris=love on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

New layout

So I found a site that gives you colour codes and tells where to put them and stuff, but other than that, I taught myself some HTML coding. Hurrah for me! I decided to add some flashy colours (and bac...
Posted by tetris=love on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I'm so new to this whole thing. LJ was much easier to understand, but then again I'm not very computer-smart. *sigh* Perhaps someone will be kind enough to help me out? Thanks a bunch!
Posted by tetris=love on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST