This is a life interview which explains how I handle my careers as a male fitness model and competitive bodybuilder!
Here is an article that everyone needs to read. It reveals my diet and nutrition secrets on how I became a Mr. Fitness and bodybuilding champion.
If motivation is what you need, then this is a must read! Find out what keeps me moving and how you too can get that bodybuilder fire started!
In this fantastic article,I share my thoughts on steroids and enhancement drugs in the world of bodybuilding and sports. You will read first hand my secrets to success in bodybuilding and in life, the natural way!
There is nothing to fear...Tony is here! Another great article that can change your life for the better. Learn how your fears and negative insecurities can be turned around and used as a positive.
In this article I reveal all of my secrets to my success as a natural bodybuilder and fitness star! The word is out, so you don't want to miss this article. It really packs a punch!
Read how Tony became the most confidant and motivating person the bodybuilding and fitness world has to come know and love!
I'm a big Elvis fan!
All the Rocky's, 300, Scarface, Goodfellas, Pumping Iron.
Never Surrender! Never Quit!
I want to go to New York and see Tony!
Honeymooners, All in the family, Etc. I like alot of old shows.
MY 1979 COUPE DEVILLE! In honor of my father...
My book coming soon entitled "Reach for the Stars!"
I'm 100% lifetime drugfree! I have never taken steriods or any type of enhancements ever in my life and thats the way I will stay till the day I die!
Be a Hero! not a coward..stay away from steriods!
My Superdog!Tiny
Ronnie Coleman! you gotta love him!
My Official Fan Site is up and running. Lots of great fun things there to do and the Fan Club will be opening soon. Just click the banner below. You'll love it!
The Greatest movie ever!