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About Me

I'm a french photographer based in Metz who like models with alternative and fetish looks.I love creating colored atmospheres, strange with some contrast and a humoristic touch and images that brings emotions.My website : http://www.kyrel.netPublications : - Book "Fetish fantasies by 85 photographers" (DE), 06/07, - Magazine Alufem Issue 01, 06/2007, - Magazine Photo, January 2007, - Magazine Alufem Issue N° 2, Spring 2006, - Magazine Bizarre N° 111, 03/06, - Magazine Potato, 07/06, - Magazine Sonic-Seducer, Calendar 2007, 07/06, - Magazine Elegy N°43, 08-09/06, - Magazine Photo, January 2006.Shoot for : - Mademoiselle Ilo, latex clothing, - Coeur Jolly, clothing "inner tube". - Mannixxx corsets, - Ambrelune collars, - Akiza tee-shirts, - Help tee-shirts, - Latexa, latex clothing, - Le Marquis, metal clothing and accessories.Exhibitions :- Fetish Cafe, Anvers, May 2007, - Fetish Project, Bruxelles, April 2007, - Boutique Démonia, Paris, October 2006.