El-Oh-Aye-Ess profile picture



About Me

Left school (Y)
Starting Uni (Y)
New job (Y)
Legal drink (Y)
Best friends (Y)
Crazy family (Y)
Mentalist boyfriend (Y)
Don't for one second try to think your life is better than mines!
So, hi. I'm Lois and i'm an optimist, as you can probably tell.
For a veggie, i'm actually quite normal, apparently. I don't recycle toilet roll or have solar panels on my roof. Not that anyone does mind you.
I guess messy is an understatement when it comes to my room, on a good day I can even shut the door!
I hate how, you spend hours getting ready for a night out, then the minute alcohol enters your system you look like you walked straight outta a horror film.
I'm a big sentimental fool, its quite sad really. I've got a big brown book filled with memories and pictures, incase I forget things. Looking back on it makes me sad, 'coz everything is changing, but makes me happy to realise the people who truly have always been there.
Theres a lot more to me than anyone knows!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"Kirsty ye hav got roots! Big durty ginger roots!"
Lauren & Kirsty! ♥


Remember back in the day when our only worry was getting into the Cathouse? Before MySpace, when FaceParty was the place to be. When we had a fake date of birth to get into see 15's at the cinema. The days when alcohol was hard to come by and cider at Clydeside was the best fun ever. Buying food at midnight out the garage. Randomly skipping school. Bitching about everything and everyone. Before school mattered. The days of experimenting with hair dye and when Glassgow ws the best place ever?
Now we are both grown up, its all about beig able to get into pubs and clubs without worrying, seeing relatonships come and go, crying over it and then going out to cheer eah other up, always putting friends first and being totally honest - sometimes a bit too brutally!
Its funny to look back at the pictures, when jeans and a T shirt were suitable for going out, black eye makeup was needed, and fashion sense was optional.

Best friends means friends forever =]♥