I play music for Jimmy Loveless & Sin Circus
coming soon to your town!
I love every aspect of MUSIC, Thigh High Stockings, La Femme Nikita.
I play Organ / Keyboards / Piano
I have played with Sunset Aside, 1313 Mockingbird Lane, Annabel Lee, Susan and the Surftones, Thee UMMmm... I will play til the day I DIE!
I love my Vox Jaguar!
inspirational to me at a young age...
I LOVE Nick Cave...
I Love LOVE!
Queens of the Stone Age - Lullabies To Paralyze
Air - Virgin Suicides
Bongwater - The Power of Pussy
Gallon Drunk
Deadsy are unsung HEROES
Beyond The Valley of The Dolls will always be one of my fave movies...
and Wings Of Desire
When the antenna works! HA!
I LOVE La Femme Nikita!
One of my favorite books is Letters From The Earth by Mark Twain.:...
here are some excerps:
"His heaven is like himself: strange, interesting, astonishing, grotesque. I give you my word, it has not a single feature in it that he actually values. It consists -- utterly and entirely -- of diversions which he cares next to nothing about, here in the earth, yet is quite sure he will like them in heaven. Isn't it curious? Isn't it interesting? You must not think I am exaggerating, for it is not so. I will give you details.
Most men do not sing, most men cannot sing, most men will not stay when others are singing if it be continued more than two hours. Note that.
Only about two men in a hundred can play upon a musical instrument, and not four in a hundred have any wish to learn how. Set that down.
...In man's heaven everybody sings! The man who did not sing on earth sings there; the man who could not sing on earth is able to do it there. The universal singing is not casual, not occasional, not relieved by intervals of quiet; it goes on, all day long, and every day, during a stretch of twelve hours. And everybody stays; whereas in the earth the place would be empty in two hours. The singing is of hymns alone. Nay, it is of one hymn alone. The words are always the same, in number they are only about a dozen, there is no rhyme, there is no poetry: "Hosannah, hosannah, hosannah, Lord God of Sabaoth, 'rah! 'rah! 'rah! siss! -- boom! ... a-a-ah!"
Meantime, every person is playing on a harp -- those millions and millions! -- whereas not more than twenty in the thousand of them could play an instrument in the earth, or ever wanted to."
My Love...My REAL friends
My dashboard Jesus with Vanilla Sky in Westgate parking lot before band practice with Sunset Aside (Albany NY, circa 2005)