hOW i lOok aT it iS...
mii liFe is kiNdA likE a boOk..evErydai i tuRn a pAge anD experiEncE alot..tO me..liFe is a chAlleNge tO bE all u caN bE..guEss waT? imMa ovErcoME thA chaLLenGE of liFE anD dO mE..iMma bEat wateVa chaLLenGE coMEs iN mA patH aND leT liFe taKE itS toLL..cuZ i dO thiiS♥
caLL mE guCci!!
Maybe it's time you looked at yourself,
and stopped blaming life on someone else.
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wHo knEw i waS a poEt
If you look beyond my scars
Far, far away
You might just see the happy girl
That's starting to fade away
If you look back to the past
And notice who I was
You'll notice now that who I am
Isn't really me
If you look beyond my smile
Beyond my fading face
If you look beyond the pain
You might just feel the same
If you look past my tears
And past the fallen blood
If you pass all of that
Then you will have fallen
If you fall where I have fell
Then you might notice to
This life I live is nothing
But a show that I put on for you
If you look past my fake smile
Past my fake outside
Then you will see what is wrong
Deep, deep inside
If you go down deep enough
You might get to my heart
If you see the crack in it
You you'll know what fell apart
If you travel though my blood
And look up at my skin
You might just see the scares
That show up deep within
If you look beyond the scars
Beyond my fading arm
Maybe then and only then
Will u understand
©2007-2008. nAnA niGga; all rights reserved.mY siSta, mY besTfriend kaira..i love her so much,we been throu it all and we stay shittin on goofies...our swaGg is simpLy delicious..cleaRly hoes staY hatiN..(wE doNt tell ya maNs ta stare)l0l..
ii ♥ u boO.
Mii otheR bEstie aShleY..moRE liKE a siSter..thA goOfiEst gurL on thA plAnenT..ii ♥ tho~yaaaaaahh