Playing music, Girls ,legs;-), Anything creative,absorbing my surroundings ,er.. sex !
I'll tell you who i don't want to meet ! Ladies who want me to join your shity webcam groups or waste my money on your rubbish sex sites or want to be friends with me just so you look really popular but in reality your just collecting sad geeky lonely guys who should get out more and find real girlfriends ! So stop asking ! I'm not gay or owt, i'm just not going to be fleeced out of my cash because you think you look hot ( well, alot of you are, but that's not the point ;-)!
Veronica Mars (yep),Regina spektor,Joanna Newsom,Velvet Underground,The manics,Pistols,The Who,Skunk anansie,Scott Mathews,P.I.L ,The killers,The Damned,My Chemical Romance,Placebo,The Saffs,Dinosaur Jr,The wonderstuff,Blondie,The jam,We Are Scientists,MC4,Smashing Pumpkins,Muse,The pixies,Bjork,The damned,Tracy chapman,Billie holiday,The cure,Jeff buckley,portishead,chilis,far far too many to mention right now!
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God damn star wars (yep i saw it when it first came out)PORN! ( yesyes oh yay!),The big blue,ahh i love that film, The pianist,The cable guy,Brain dead,Hannibal,Beautiful Mind,Evil dead army of darkness (dude),Lost in arbury (so made that up, sounds great though)Snatch,Shawshank,The Breakfast Club,American beauty,The shining,lost in translation, Pancakeday (yep, made that uo too, a horror classic),So i married an axe murderer,The matrix, twelve monkeys,kingpin,Code 46, The fifth element(i love her) Ok my brain is starting to malfunction, i'm too excited !
Big Brother,Eastenders,Corry,Are all wrong! Don't really watch tv .Robot Chicken is as funny as fuck though ;-)
The Damage Done (amazing book) Into Thin Air, Scar Tissue,The Death Zone,The Last Victim, Forget You Had A Daughter,Touching The Void,Bravo 2 Zero
Heroes my ass ! Don't have any . A part from myself of course.I've survived all the major disasters ,volcano eruptions plane crashes freak yachting accidents.You name it , i survived it !!!. OH..... i did break my face once, in a rare bouncy castle incident but my terminator stylee titanium plate seems to be holding it together X