THINGS I LIKE: potatoes, painting, collecting rocks and shells, photography, making anything out of practically nothing to make things easier for people who need assistance or for no reason at all, riding my bike on ocean beach, salads, purple pot, when it rains as long as im not driving, THINGS I DONT LIKE: eggs, the sun, close minded individuals, the diet craze, when babies have the hiccups, being broke, having restless arms that cause me to have to get up and do arm circles at 2, 3, 4 or any hour of the night or morning, needles, my moms bird flying towards me desperatly trying to sit and most likely shit on my bun damn it!, sand in my eyes and/or mouth, being covered from head to toe in flea bites, i hate spiders, they make me feel sick, when not my cat who is a spoiled little ass but the other cat who lives at my house claws at my screen so i will get up and let her in just so she can scratch at my door 3 minutes later to let her out, its very irritating,img src=""
old friends. my very first girlfriend ever from second or third grade. though she has been given my email, she has never contacted me. really im just curious to see what she is like and what she is doing these days.This dance
LIVE MUSIC. all kinds of music. i love 80'S, punk, rock, 90's cheesey hip hop / dance stuff, and some jazz is cool sometimes. I can listen or tune out pretty much anything, at anytime. and when and if i cant? i actually make an effort to change the station, i must have been pretty damn irritated with whatever was playing. because i dont / cant pay attention most of the time.
when my attention span is better than: a dead cat.......i like comedies. movies based on true stories. movies about the end of the world. 80's cheese. i dont like gun slingin westerns, hokey pokey musicals, harry freakin potter, lord of the god damn rings, little house on the dumb ass prarie, knight in shining armor medieval castle sword swingin fight shit. I used to like horror movies and scary stuff, but ever since i havnt been able to help but to picture something or somebody else, its not a good thing for me and i cant appreciate it. movies that i do like are: the forbidden zone. endless summer of a spotless mind. but im a cheerleader. gia. requiem for a dream. the peanut butter solution. goonies.I DONT LIKE: harry potter,
i really dont watch too much t.v., most of the time i just listen while i paint but if i do feel i can pay attention to t.v. id probably be watching the simpsons, family guy, or futurama. still standing is funny, but the show REBA, it fucking sucks! very bad acting, its like fingernails on a chalkboard for to me to have to listen to it even for a second.
theres a girl in my hammerlock. the heart is decietful above all things. choke. james and the giant peach. i like looking through magazines, tearing out pictures and using them in art. other than that, i cant remember anything else ive ever read at this time.
my sister. because she has and always will come to my rescue even if its miles away at 4 in the morning. she also gave birth to my baby boy who is also kind of my hero since at times when i really need him, he always makes me feel better. my parents. the fact that they are still together after more than 30 years is something i can be proud of. and just because i turned out the way i did doesnt mean they didnt try really really really hard to push me to better myself. they have always loved me and supported me. i appreciate them very much.