I'd like to meet:
I already reached my quota for life. I'd like to get more acquainted with myself.
Le Samourai, Dangerous Liaisons, The Princess Bride, Ghostbusters, Life is Beautiful, Sex and Lucia, The Secretary, Gone with the Wind, Some Like it Hot, The Wizard of Oz, Ma Vie En Rose, Dot the I, His Girl Friday, Nowhere in Africa
Grey's Anatomy, The Daily Show, Entourage, The Colbert Report, Law and Order, Travel and Cooking shows
The Possessed, Crime and Punishment, Laughter in the Dark, Lolita, Pnin, Crash, Anna Karenina, The House of Mirth, Brave New World, The Stranger, Candide, Therese Raquin, The Gambler, Requiem for a Dream, All the Names, Blindness
Those who do not fear defending and protecting, though not through war or conflict, but through love and intellect.