... cant find my other shoe... profile picture

... cant find my other shoe...

how many miles ahead? i can't count the ones behind. i wish you godspeed friend, you´re always on m

About Me

Free MySpace Layoutstable, td { background-color:transparent;border:none;border-width:0;} there's not too terribly much to me. pretty much the usual. or maybe not... ya know. i am related to a cartoon character. it's true. i believe that banisters were made to be slid down. i hate abercrombie because it makes girls think they have to be american stick insects to be beautiful. i might not mind playing in the mud every now and then. i believe in Jesus... i know i'll never measure up - but i'll never stop trying. i know He loves me. for serious. (here i feel a need to quote bestfriend david's about me and agree that "like all humans i am a champion and a complete failure at life") i believe rain is for puddle hopping, and friends are for sharing with other friends so that everyone has more people to love. stars are for gazing at with those friends. music is nessecary to life on this planet. i secretly adore weird al yankovic. i'm pretty much directionally dyslexic... but that's ok... it only means life is that much more of an adventure. sometimes it's a fun game =). sleep is for dreaming. i have pretty much never been a fan of formalities. i wish every major leader in the whole entire universe owned a sugar glider. then, before any big decisions were made, he/she could sit down with it, watch it sleep, and just chill out... and this world would be a much more peaceful place. i love cheese. it was actually my first word. go figure. i've been an insomniac since i was seven. i have decided that people who look down on other people for being dirty must not be aware that dirt that clings to an individual generally comes from one of three things: a)a hard life, b) hard work, or c) good, hard play. all of which are attributes to be admired. i LOVE to read. unless it's for school. then i'm perpetually distracted. i believe that waffle house at 3 AM is one of the greatest places on earth. i can't keep plants alive to freaking save my life. i once killed an air fern. AN AIR FERN. aren't those things supposed to be indestructable or something?? geez louise. i want to have two great danes one day. they shall be named pantoof and meyrou. nuts are gross and uneccesary. i wish people wouldn't take things so seriously. i wish graffiti wasn't generally so negative. doesn't anyone have anything positive to say? and why would most people be fine with killing a bug, but not a butterfly? that just doesn't seem fair. the butterfly gets off easy b/c it's beautiful, and plain ol' bugs get killed b/c they're ugly. speaking of which, whoever decided dandilions are weeds? i've always been quite partial to them. even if they DO smell funny. SOMEONE's gotta stick up for those dandilions. and besides, when they go to seed, they turn into wishes.... what more could one ASK for??! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??? i love my little brother. i'm proud of how he's grown, and i love that we get along. contra dancing rocks my face off. i WISH i knew how to swing or salsa dance. or treadmill dance! .. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....ok, any dancing pretty much. i have looked into the eyes of an autistic man who was struggling to communicate a simple request to me and felt completely undeserving of this blessing i once took for granted of being young and healthy and strong. i don't drink. i like being in control of my decisions. i don't smoke. i like being healthy and strong. i love my friends more than a penguin loves his tux. i'm trying to learn to just love that hard in general. i have always thought that lunch ladies and janitors should rule the world... they're the best people we got. i usually can't find my other shoe... but that's ok because i hate shoes anyways. i'd rather just be barefoot ALWAYS. i wish all my friends could be in one place at one time and all get along beautifully. and i want that place to have a camperfire and stars and fireflies. and love, mostly. just a whole lotta love. anyways... enough about me. how about you?

My Interests

my sugar glider aquene, cranberry muffins, swing dancing, star gazing, runnin amok, and other such nonsense. it's true.LOOK AT THESE GUYS!!!!! how cute can you be and have it still be legal??!?!

I'd like to meet:

the rabbit on the trix commercial so i could just let him TRY the freaking cereal already!


i wanna make you smile, whenever you're sad/ carry you around when your arthritis is bad/ oh all i wanna do/ is grow old with you/i'll miss you/ kiss you/ give you my coat when you are cooold/i'll neeeeed you/ feeeeeed you/ i'll even letcha hold the remote control./so let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink/ put you to bed when you've had too much to drink../ oh,/ it could be so nice.../ growin old with you. /i wanna grow old with you.


are to best viewed in a fort made with couch cushions and blankets with just a few more close friends then can fit with complete ease.


the best was the marathons of friends that krys and i would watch. and then we'd do that thing where we'd talk about the characters like they actually exist in our lives... "yeah... rachel said that yesterday. and joey almost DIED." i'm pretty sure it's going to become that way with the office soon.the other best was when kirstine and i would watch NCIS. or family guy or futurama. she's one of those who gets so cracked up she can hardly breathe. i found this to be just as amusing as the shows themselves... if not more so. another bonus of this was the random quoting that would ensue for weeks afterwards. ("thank you, my silver haired fox! ... i mean... gibbs... sir... boss." teehee!)yeah. i'm one of thoooooose. oh well.


yes, please.


Dr. Suess... Adam Sandler... Susan and mae... Melba... Krys... Bruce Willis... Chris Thile... and whoever invented string cheese. =D.table, td { background-color:transparent;border:none;border-width:0;}
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My Blog

cs lewis said it.

"there is no safe investment. to love at all is to be vulnerable. love anything, and your heart will certianly be wrung and possibly be broken. if you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must ...
Posted by ... cant find my other shoe... on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:20:00 PST

no, that's not bubble gum... that's pork-boy, the breakfast monkey!!!

henry david thoreau said there is no remedy for love but to love more.i make no grand claims for being some exceptional friend to everyone i know or even the people i love the most. really, i don't kn...
Posted by ... cant find my other shoe... on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 09:21:00 PST

rumi poem...

my beautiful kristen sent this to me. the more i read it, the more sure i am that it puts the nonsense i tend to feel into words better then many of my most valient attempts. anyways. to that dea...
Posted by ... cant find my other shoe... on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:53:00 PST

what is a church?

i always write blogs when i'm too tired to breathe... much less be coherent. but ya know. such is life, right? i was talking to a friend who is dear to me tonight. i love that activity. yes. talking t...
Posted by ... cant find my other shoe... on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 10:52:00 PST

i overuse the word beautiful.

but how can i help it when God put so much beauty around me??!i was looking at my friends tonight. we were at our beloved folk school nestled peacefully in these carolina mountians. it is winter dance...
Posted by ... cant find my other shoe... on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 11:20:00 PST

dove wins

i know i already wrote about this, but i didn't do it very eloquently, so i'm doing it again. and because my dear friend marcus showed me this ad on you tube this morning, and i wanted to hu...
Posted by ... cant find my other shoe... on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 11:07:00 PST

to you, my friend

grace this endeavor with your presence bring with you the vibe that's your's alone look around with soulful eyes that have seen your life in full it's so good to have you here to be able to take ...
Posted by ... cant find my other shoe... on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 11:13:00 PST

who are the least of these?

because God says that we should take care to love and care for the least of these among us... but might i beg the question, who are the least of these? there are the obvious answers. little ones who r...
Posted by ... cant find my other shoe... on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 07:53:00 PST

life is beautiful. really.

uuuummmmm... so i was trying to explain to myself in words what God's been showing me about ... the beauty of our imperfetion? that's all this is. an attempt. anyways... when i say "You" in this thin...
Posted by ... cant find my other shoe... on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 12:53:00 PST

the hitchhikers guide has this to say on the subject of love : "avoid. if at all possible."

so... this is the little epiphany i had about love about a year ago. ... it helped my heart to mend... maybe it could be helpful to you guys too... i dunno hahaha... i'm pretty sure i like it tho =P <...
Posted by ... cant find my other shoe... on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 07:11:00 PST