my sugar glider aquene, cranberry muffins, swing dancing, star gazing, runnin amok, and other such nonsense. it's true.LOOK AT THESE GUYS!!!!! how cute can you be and have it still be legal??!?!
the rabbit on the trix commercial so i could just let him TRY the freaking cereal already!
i wanna make you smile, whenever you're sad/ carry you around when your arthritis is bad/ oh all i wanna do/ is grow old with you/i'll miss you/ kiss you/ give you my coat when you are cooold/i'll neeeeed you/ feeeeeed you/ i'll even letcha hold the remote control./so let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink/ put you to bed when you've had too much to drink../ oh,/ it could be so nice.../ growin old with you. /i wanna grow old with you.
are to best viewed in a fort made with couch cushions and blankets with just a few more close friends then can fit with complete ease.
the best was the marathons of friends that krys and i would watch. and then we'd do that thing where we'd talk about the characters like they actually exist in our lives... "yeah... rachel said that yesterday. and joey almost DIED." i'm pretty sure it's going to become that way with the office soon.the other best was when kirstine and i would watch NCIS. or family guy or futurama. she's one of those who gets so cracked up she can hardly breathe. i found this to be just as amusing as the shows themselves... if not more so. another bonus of this was the random quoting that would ensue for weeks afterwards. ("thank you, my silver haired fox! ... i mean... gibbs... sir... boss." teehee!)yeah. i'm one of thoooooose. oh well.
yes, please.
Dr. Suess... Adam Sandler... Susan and mae... Melba... Krys... Bruce Willis... Chris Thile... and whoever invented string cheese. =D.table, td {
You are Michaelanjelo!,You're the Party guy and
most coolest of the Ninja Turtles!
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