Music, friends, girls, sex, all the good things in life.
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Everything. Seriously, there is not a single thing I wouldn't listen to. I guess I favor rock and heavy metal above other music, but I truely love it all!!!
JPizzle Rules You
Glowing text created at
Too many to careJPizzle rules you JPizzle thinks you suck JPizzle think Randy Luddington is a FRUIT-DIP JPizzle says that you're his bitch JPizzle will kick your ass JPizzle is GOD JPizzle thinks you are pathetic JPizzle fucked your mom JPizzle is the Anti-Christ JPizzle feels your pain and dosen't care JPizzle want you to bow to him JPizzle is the man JPizzle know your weaknesses JPizzle wants you to be a human sacrifice JPizzle does what he wants Welcome To Hell Welcome To Hell Welcome To Hell JPizzle rules you JPizzle is not gay
anything that's on.
I've never actually been able to finish that many books on my own, I've written a few though.
Your mom