..:~*Sarah*~:.. profile picture


~ 'Who do you love? Me, or the thought of me?' (JM)~

About Me

I'm pretty much an old soul. I'm really starting to appreciate the little things in life that are commonly overlooked until they're gone. I prefer blues and jazz over pop-rock, these days. I'd like to believe I have some really strong morals. It's cost me friends in the past but "if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!" Family is everything to me, I hope to have a big one sometime in the future. Friends are a close second to family. I truely believe the idea of quality over quantity & don't care how many friends I have on MySpace. I wear my heart on my sleeve way too much, and never speak up until it's already to late. I'm a lover of all things philosophy, psychology, and even politics. Yes I even watch Fox News! When I'm not listening to music, or watching some movies or sports, I am doing homework. As of Fall 2006, I am a college sophomore. I'm majoring in Middle Level education (4-9) and hope to teach in this area in the future. I'm getting my endorsements in Social Sciences and either Math, Science or Foreign Language. I will be transferring to UNO in August 2007.
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com
10 rAnDoM Things About You
10. I'm in college (sophomore year), and can't wait to be done!
9. I l-o-v-e all things Husker football.
8. I don't collect shoes!
7. I have way too many DVD's to watch
6. I watch the 24hr marathon of "A Christmas Story" religiously
5. I l-o-v-e fall!
4. John Mayer gets straight to the heart of me.
3. I love Music to no end.
2. Wow! I'm saving myself for marriage.
1. I love my family more than anything
9 Things I Want to do Before I Die
9. Spend a whole day appreciating the little things
8. Travel! Italy, Ireland, etc.
7. Sit under the stars listening to someone's heartbeat
6. Watch a sunrise and sunset
5. Find a satisfying job in a town that I love
4. Do the "big family holidays together" thing
3. Have a house of my/our own
2. Have kids
1. Get married
8 Ways To Win My Heart ?
8. *See the whole turn ons list!*
7. Talk to me even when I'm not looking for a conversation
6. Leave me little notes on my car
5. Spend a day together just watching a movie on the couch
4. Care about your family without regret
3. Call just to say hi and see how my day was
2. Never let me go, as much as I fight you
1. Sing to me or play a song for me
7 Ways To Annoy Me
7. Visiting this profile and not adding me, or leaving a comment ;)
6. Criticize me for caring and taking care of my parents, before myself
5. Treating me as if I don't have anything good to say
4. Using others so you feel good about yourself
3. Cheating
2. Lying
1. Never saying how you really feel
6 Turn Ons
6. Little things to show me you thought of me
5. Making me laugh
4. A guy that loves his family
3. A guy that won't break eye contact when talking to me
2. Half smiles/Half smirks
1. MUSIC! If you play guitar and/or piano, you've got a foot in the door
5 Things I'm Afraid Of
5. Never finding my passion
4. No one standing around "when the smoke clears"
3. Disappointing my parents
2. Never finding someone who loves me
1. Death (mine or people I love)
4 Things I Do Everyday
4. Hug my dad, and call to tell my mom goodnight
3. Listen to Mp3, and dance w/o skill ;)
2. Laugh
1. Sing!!!
3 Things I Want To Do Right Now
3. Get all of my painting done in my room.
2. Just get class over with for the day.
1. Go back to bed.
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My Interests

FAMILY! Always time for family. MUSIC! There isn't a day that goes by when I'm not listening to something or having some tune in my head. MOVIES! I have an ever expanding collection that I bring out every so often when I just need (a) a great laugh fit (b) inspiration or (c) a good cry. SPORTS! More so watching them than playing them. I ♥ all things Nebraska football. I'm pretty dang good at knowing about football also! (What can I say, Nebraska bred!). ART! I would ♥ to go to Italy someday and explore art and architecture. I don't create works of art really, I just appreciate them. I'm looking forward to buying some copies of certain pieces for my room.

I'd like to meet:

A guy:
That loves his family as much as I love mine. Who loves me for what I believe and where I stand. That loves music and can't live a day without it. That loves God and believes in him without apology. Who doesn't mind a dysfunctional family dinner, or large family holiday get togethers that I've never really had. Who wants to have kids someday, and doesn't mind a small town. That doesn't want to move cross country away from his family. Who appreciates the fact that I value sex and marriage, and want to save sex for the honeymoon night. That loves the changing of the seasons, and watching holiday movie marathons...

A guy that could be some of those things, and leave me with the realization that love is so much more than desired traits...and be someone that would understand this:

I got this snazzy layout from whateverlife.com!


Goodness, tough question. I used to be all for pop music, until I realized how shallow it can be. Now I prefer music with some lyrical substance ala John Mayer, Switchfoot, Coldplay, The Fray, etc.

John Mayer clips (I'm seeing him in Feb!):

"I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You)"




Any and everything. About 100 dvds in my collection.