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About Me

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com You must love yourself before loving someone else. I am a very outgoing person.I love my family and i love life. I cosider myself to be very bless. I have a marvelous husband who support everthing that i do. I surround myself with people who vigorously strive for the best things in life.I can say that eveyone who is close to me have great qualities. I believe that my friends are a reflection of me. I wake up everyday with a smile on my face, life is to short to be sad,laugh, love and smile. The reason why i have so much is because of god and I think him everyday for all my blessing.Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com

My Interests

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God bless people in many different ways,some are bless to be entertainers, some are athletes,and a small number of people are guardians of earth, the ones that fight for freedom. The Military Life
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God,My mom, my grandma and sisters

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