Travel, photography, writing, reading, foreign languages, Arizona Basketball, athletics: swimming, cycling, running, mountain climbing ("peak bagging"), soccer (futebol/futbol/football), table tennis, triathlon.
Good people... people that are self-aware, independent, lifelong learners... people that don't shy away from being challenged by something new... disciplined and principled people... people that smile, laugh, and celebrate the complexities of life.
Wide variety of tastes: especially music from Brasil, Argentina, and Cuba.
Easy to please: love going to the movies, not afraid of subtitles, documentaries, or black-and-white films either.
Not a huge fan of TV.
Am always reading... some favourite authors are Kurt Vonnegut, Chaim Potok, Ernest Hemingway, George Orwell... anything on basketball (Olson, Knight, Wooden)... military studies (Vietnam, WWII, revolutions, John Boyd)... memoirs and biographies, anthropology, foreign language, Tintin, Asterix,... a true bookworm.
Don't believe in idols and heroes but admire courageous people, great people who have done something for their communities, people who don't have to be like everyone else, modest people... if pressed to mention a name, Arthur Ashe would be high on my list.