I am a guy how lives in a little old town in south thuringia.There is nothing special in this town, but I like the landscape very much. My origin is called thruingian slatepark, where the blue gold grows xD . In general I like history, especilly the Era Napoleon, Era Luther and the Era of the German Reich. I also like nostalgic emotions, I can t describe them, but do you know the feeling, when you are wandering through a cornfield in midsummer and the there is nothing around you just PUUR nature - beautific.
I have a little music label called "Karge Welten Kunstverlag".
Watch out my Labelsites:
Karge Welten Offical Homepage
Karge Welten @ Myspace
Current Playlist
Full Length
Nyktalgia - Peisithanatos
Impavida - Untiteld Album *rough mix*
Das Leben der Anderen - Soundtrack
King Arthur - Soundtrack *Recoding Sessions*
Die letzten Tage der Sophie Scholl - Soundtrack
New Model Army - History
Wovenhand - Same
Den Saakaldte - Øl, Mørke og Depresjon
Acherontas - Tat Tvam Asi (Universal Omniscience)
Björk - Post
Macbeth - Demo Mai 2008
Single Tracks
City - Am Fenster
Karat - Albatross
Dying Brokenhearted
A bed of moss was granted,
she laid down with a sigh,
Embraced by the green blankets
she kissed the world goodbye
An die Verstummten
O, der Wahnsinn der großen Stadt, da am Abend
An schwarzer Mauer verkrüppelte Bäume starren,
Aus silberner Maske der Geist des Bösen schaut;
Licht mit magnetischer Geißel die steinerne Nacht verdrängt.
O, das versunkene Läuten der Abendglocken.
Hure, die in eisigen Schauern ein totes Kindlein gebärt.
Rasend peitscht Gottes Zorn die Stirne des Besessenen,
Purpurne Seuche, Hunger, der grüne Augen zerbricht.
O, das gräßliche Lachen des Golds.
Hure, Aber stille blutet in dunkler Höhle stummere Menschheit,
Fügt aus harten Metallen das erlösende Haupt.