Tim / Kicksville profile picture

Tim / Kicksville

Listened to in still-sealed rooms for strange people.

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
.. Kicksville 29 B.C. .. is a two-hour weekly radio show that has been broadcast on KDVS for over 15 years by Tim Matranga.
Raw Rock'N'Roll
Wild R&B
60's Soul
70's Funk
60's Garage
and Psychedelic mayhem
with occasional excursions into:
Girl Groups
Folk Rock
Acid Folk
and more
Most of what I play is vintage, but I do play some new bands so if you have something to send my way, I'd be more than happy to consider it for airplay. Feel free to message me.
Hear me on Sunday nights at 10pm on www.kdvs.org
Drusalee and the Dead were from Marysville/Yuba City and had one killer (and now rare!) garage 45: Lily, on Vardan records. Hear it on the "Hang it Out to Dry" compilation. The single came out in 1965 and was already a collectors item by 1966, apparently! (see promo sheet below from KUBA, courtesy of Drew Sallee)
The Crystals are an all time favorite.
Sacramento had an amazing little scene in the 1960s. Anyone in doubt of this should check the new So Cold compilation on Frantic, the Public Nuisance 2cd and the Ikon Records Story on Frantic/Crypt, and as the Sound of Young Sacramento, put out by Big Beat. Long live the Plague, Ltd!
Disorder Rating
Paranoid : Low
Schizoid : Low
Schizotypal : Low
Antisocial : Low
Borderline : Low
Histrionic : Moderate
Narcissistic : Moderate
Avoidant : Low
Dependent : Low
Obsessive-Compulsive : Moderate
-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --
Entry to the legendary basement of K Street Records:
The K Street Records location is closed FOREVER, but it's open now at 1618 Broadway. It's RECORDS on Broadway. Quite a few good records come through that you'd normally pay a bit more for elsewhere.

My Interests

Above: The Strawberry Alarm Clock: video for 'Tomorrow' on Laugh-In

The Seeds, above.
Record hunting, garage sales, antique sales, storage unit liasons with records, circular logic, bats flying in my face, unintentional self-mutilation by way of spastic cats, 14 Lower Freeborn, feeling musically enhanced, feeling younger as I get older, record swaps, soul dance nights, traveling, spinning records particularly 45s in a club setting or on the radio, Dumping loads of LP's into a huge outdoor trash compactor. Vinyl still rules and don't you forget it! MP3's = crap


Raw R&B/Soul from the 50s up till 'bout 1973, doo-wop, garage, psych, latin soul from 1966-72, deep funk, Freakbeat, surf, 1960s garage, Krautrock, Motown, Phil Spector, Northern soul, Zombies, Joe Meek, Kak, psychedelia, real people, modern sike, weird folk, hard prog, heavy soul, the strange and unclassifiable.
The Sonics, Bo Diddley, the various Billy Childish projects, Lyres/DMZ, Hawkwind, Little Richard, Sons of Sound, Wipers, Nathaniel Mayer, Radio Birdman, Joe Bataan, Wimple Winch, Madd Inc, Little Richard, F/i, Ike & Tina, Blue Cheer, Other Half, Fender Four, Oxford Circle, Instant Orange, Gandalf, Twinkeyz, Maypole, Daily Flash, Buffalo Springfield, Love, Left Banke, The Dog That Bit People, Kinks, Euophoria, Jefferson Airplane, Skip Spence, Moby Grape, Eddie Bo, Hollies, Allen Toussaint, Everly Brothers, Phil Spector, Ty Karim, Chuck Berry, Byrds, Animals, Bobby Womack, Darrell Banks, Rationals, Kak, Oxford Circle, ? & the Mysterians, Denise and Co, Knightsmen, Debris, Can, Beau Brummels, Meters, Bent Wind, Azitis, Remains, Saints, Mystic Siva, Vocokesh, Kaleidoscope (all three: the US, UK, and Mexico), Pagans, Small Faces, La Revolucion de Emiliano Zapata, Edwin Starr, Plastic Cloud, All Saved Freak Band, Dug Dug's, Charlatans (SF), the Sacto 60s music garage/psych scene. Makiah, St George & the Dragons, City Limits, Free & Easy, Graveyard Five, Marauders, Prophets, the Heard, Plague Ltd, Public Nuisance. ANY Nuggets, Pebbles, Back from the Grave, or Nuggets from the Golden State.


Buffalo 66, Crumb, She-Devils on Wheels, Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill!, This is Spinal Tap, Ghost World, The Sadist, Slacker, American Splendor, Clerks, all manner of 1960s B-movies, and almost any Russ Meyer flick is fine by me.


The less the better. But I still try to catch the Office...


Weird California, Acid Archives, Ugly Things, Tapestry of Delights, Fake Lies Forgery and Ebay, Timeless Flight, Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung, Hickory Wind, The Family, Vinyl Junkies, The Sound of the City, Cheesy liner notes written by local DJ's off LP's from the 50s/60s



My Blog

Rock’N’Roll Dance Party!

Rock'N'Roll dance party! Friday 9/19 9:30pmwith Roger Carpio of Lipstick and Tim Matranga from KDVS 90.3fm.We'll keep the vinyl spinning all night long!! ...
Posted by Tim / Kicksville on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 10:14:00 PST

KDVS Record swap: SUNDAY june 29th

..tr> Don't forget: the KDVS record swap this sunday in Sacramento Don't forget the KDVS record swap. So many amazing records, so little time. Different vendors from all o...
Posted by Tim / Kicksville on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 11:26:00 PST

Today’s big event on KDVS: Final fundraiser show with Kicksville 29 BC!!

This is going to be fun! I'll be doing the final KDVS on-air fundraiser show of '08 tonight, at 10pm, with Kicksville 29BC. We've got a bit of a ways to go today to meet our yearly goal of $75,000. Th...
Posted by Tim / Kicksville on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 01:39:00 PST


Starting at 10am sat 4-19, there's a record swap with dealers in the parking lot at R5 Records (formerly Tower) at 16th & Broadway, Sacramento. I believe there will be some bands and poss...
Posted by Tim / Kicksville on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 02:05:00 PST

Kicksville radio show for April 13, 2008

Kicksville 4-13-08The continuing saga of Kicksville on KDVS 90.3 fm can also be heard online at kdvs.org. 60s/70s Soul, Garage, Psych, Folk Rock, Weird 60s & more. Listen to my 2 hr weekly radio s...
Posted by Tim / Kicksville on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:24:00 PST

4 weeks of updates on Kicksville radio shows

We've recently updated the audio feed to 192 kbps so they should sound even better than before. The links have also been updated for Kicksville 29 BC.  See below, and thanks for listening for ano...
Posted by Tim / Kicksville on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 02:36:00 PST

The Kinks at Freeborn Hall!

This is a handbill for an old show (see my current profile picture). Apparently, this show went down 38 years ago, on Dec 2, 1969, at Freeborn Hall in Davis. First time I've come across this handbill....
Posted by Tim / Kicksville on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 01:58:00 PST

(*NEW*) Kicksville 29 BC Podcast

Click below and drag it to your Itunes / Ipod / Mp3 player. Then you'll be subscribed to future Kicksville podcasts.Kicksville 29 BC Podcast linkRight now there's three radio shows in the podcast, and...
Posted by Tim / Kicksville on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 02:09:00 PST

Sacramento's Music Scene in the 1960s, part 1 of ?

Public Nuisance, The Marauders, The New Breed, Gear One, The Fugitives, Plague Ltd, The Heard, The Opposite Six, The Knightsmen. These are just a few of the names of bands here in the mid-to-late 60s;...
Posted by Tim / Kicksville on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 02:33:00 PST

DJ Carlos Icaza's funk/psych DJ set on Kicksville, Sunday 6/17

Last minute announcement. Was just out to see DJ Carlos Icaza's funk/psych DJ set out at Delta of Venus, along with Boss the Big Bit, who played their last show, and did a great set too. He also wrote...
Posted by Tim / Kicksville on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 01:46:00 PST