playing sports(basketball), play video games, surfing da net & chatting, watching TV, listening to musik, playing da guitar(still learning), reading SOMETIMES!!
w/ my RADIO, i listen to rap, r&b, love songs, rock; anything else w/ a good beat and guitar riffs!!! I'm open to any and i'm currently rocking toKAPATID, UP DHARMA DOWN
horror movies, superhero movies, anime movies, hilarious movies, some romantic & sappy movies, and many many many many many many many many MMMAAANNNNYYY more...................................
many many many shows and cartoons(you name it, chances i've seen it)!!
The Black Boy, The jungle, The Awakening, The Bluest Eye, Shogun, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Great Gatsby,The Scarlet Letter, The Grapes of Wrath(maybe), Wuthering Heights, the Harry Potter books, Goosebumps series, COMIC BOOKS, and MANY MANY MORE that would interest my liking...................................................... ...................
first of all, Wolverine -- Spider-Man, Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Superman, & ME(cuz I rely on myself to save me)!!!