xandreax profile picture


so much shouting, so much laughter

About Me

i have never gotten bored with being straight edge, not even after more than a decade.
i'm excited for cold weather because my winter wardrobe is much cuter than my summer wardrobe and i have a major thing for boots.
i watch a lot of tv and i'd love to call it a guilty pleasure but, frankly, i don't feel guilty about it at all.
i work out often and i listen to terrible music while doing so.
i'm almost done with college and each day i am a bit more convinced that i would rather be a housewife than start a real career. potential future husbands know the following: i'm sweet, i bake, and i always smell delicious.
i'll correct your spelling faster than i'll correct your grammar, but don't think i won't correct them both.
i'm a generous tipper and i'm polite to cashiers.
i recently visited sea world and was so excited i may have cried on several occasions. this is what happens when you don't do anything cool as a child, you enjoy it that much more as an adult.
i live beyond my means and i am not sure how, but i pull it off.
the restrictions of the lifestyle i have chosen have made me a bit of an arrogant bitch and if i cared i might make an effort to change that, but i don't.
my friends are, for the most part, the smartest, funniest, best people anyone has met in the past 25 years. i'm good at finding them and even better at keeping them.
i could say plenty more, but screw it.
also, i write mean things here:
Complaint After Complaint
go there, read things, and maybe you'll learn a little something.

My Interests

straight edge, vegetarianism, atheism, pro-choice, flipping only the democrat switches on election day, watching too much tv, being antisocial, texting at lightning speed, working out, counting calories, spending frivolously, coffee, tea, tv on dvd box sets, cheering for an out of town hockey team, and being perpetually 10 minutes late

I'd like to meet:

+anyone who's got the straight edge.
+people who read the complaint website and laugh with us because they aren't guilty of any of the things that piss me off.
+fellow top model and project runway addicts.
+people with great cookie recipes.
+people i already know. if we were ever anything close to friends, i probably miss the hell out of you at least once in a while.
+people who know lots of random pop culture trivia.
+anyone who would like to play board games with me.
+a boy who is straight edge, of strong morals, intelligent and educated, nonreligious, cute, single, and can handle my bullshit. i don't think such a person exists, but you never know.

I would NOT like to meet:
-people who think it's awesome to get hammered every night then wander around hung over the next morning.
-sleazy dudes who send me messages because they think i might be the sort of girl who will meet them for a drink and maybe blow them in a moment of bad judgment.
-anyone who offers to pray for atheists so we don't end up in hell.
-any dude who has ever taken a picture of his shirtless reflection in the bathroom mirror.
-any girl who has ever set her camera timer and then bent over in front of it in her underwear.
-anyone who uses aol shorthand. seriously. fuck yourself. if you can't be bothered to type out an entire three letter word then you really have no place in society. in short, "ur" an asshole.
-anyone who thinks getting their own name tattooed on themselves is a good idea.
-shitty drivers.
-evangelical christians.
-basically, i would not like to meet 99.9% of the world's population.


lately i am into rilo kiley, kanye west, aesop rock, the red chord, ani difranco, joss stone, between the buried and me, comeback kid, pinback, spoon, and lots of hardcore i loved in high school.


love me if you dare, ghost world, donnie darko, the five released installments of harry potter, the devil wears prada, garden state, eulogy, the dangerous lives of altar boys, igby goes down, rear window, thoroughly modern millie, singin' in the rain, strangers on a train, lolita (kubrick version), don't tell mom the babysitter's dead (fuck you, it's a classic), and tons of others that i am forgetting.


scrubs, arrested development, law and order: svu, all locations of csi, cold case, friends, sex and the city, without a trace, criminal minds, LOST, fastlane, project runway, the daily show, shear genius, america's next top model, so you think you can dance, prison break, grey's anatomy, my so-called life


MATILDA, the bfg, the witches, me talk pretty one day, barrel fever, the aeneid, skinny legs and all, another roadside attraction, fierce invalids home from hot climates, the cider house rules, the bell jar, the harry potter series, welcome to the monkey house, you shall know our velocity!, city in love, chronicle of a death foretold, wampeters foma and granfalloons, interpreter of maladies, naked, atheism: the case against god, the day of the locust, lolita, a series of unfortunate events, midnight's children, antigone, middlesex, nine parts of desire, reading lolita in tehran, a prayer for owen meany
pretty much anything well written and NOTHING by chuck palahniuk.


the hottest bodies in hollywood:


My Blog

my favorite tiny animal!

so, anyone who has known me for a while probably knows that i had a bad day a couple summers ago and i bought myself a russian dwarf hamster because she walked around on her hind legs and it cheered m...
Posted by xandreax on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 09:35:00 PST

ladies and gentlemen, the ottawa senators!!

congratulations to the OTTAWA SENATORS on taking their second round playoff series against the new jersey devils in five games!!this is only the second time in modern franchise history that the senato...
Posted by xandreax on Sun, 06 May 2007 11:31:00 PST


Let's see if you can get through it. If not, you're too scared about your past.1. Your name?andrea2. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?i don't know if that would be a very good idea.3. H...
Posted by xandreax on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 01:16:00 PST

when i'm sick...

1. If you were to find out you were pregnant/ had gotten someone pregnant tomorrow, how would you feel?imacculate conception?2. Do you trust your friends?yep.3. Would you move to another state or coun...
Posted by xandreax on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 08:55:00 PST

apparently when i don't write my paper...

i steal surveys from adam instead?1. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?i want to say no, but chances are i would.2. What song describes your relationship status?janet jackson - someone t...
Posted by xandreax on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 11:05:00 PST

i'm lame, too.

1. Where will you be when it turns 2007?probably at work or on my way home from work or just at home.2. How did you get the idea for your MySpace name?it wasn't an idea so much as it's my name.3. What...
Posted by xandreax on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 07:45:00 PST

biography thingy.

Part 1: The Birth of YouWere you a planned baby?:i don't think so.Were you the first?:sure was.Who was present at your birth?:probably just my mom and dad.Were your parents married when you were born?...
Posted by xandreax on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 05:05:00 PST

the day i waited on peter forsberg.

yesterday during my lunch shift, for anyone who missed this news story, i was sat a table with two gentlemen at it.these two gentlemen:(that's peter forsberg a.k.a. one of the best players in the nhl)...
Posted by xandreax on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 08:56:00 PST

you know how it is

i will start here by saying that if i am not at school or at work, i am exhausted. i have been doing very little socially. i would like to say this will end come summer, but i've signed up for 13 cred...
Posted by xandreax on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 01:50:00 PST

more useless information.

1. Do you eat breakfast upon waking up? sort of but if i have class or work i don't usually eat until i get there. i can't sacrifice sleep for the sake of eating before i leave.2. Are you Evil? probab...
Posted by xandreax on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 12:10:00 PST