*DallaS DubliN* profile picture

*DallaS DubliN*

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Later... hey, there hows it going...ya long time no see eh' its to bad...cause we're done talkin already...mmk ya thats kewl...ya ok...w/e good bye now...mmk goodbye...yes goodbye..mmk goodbye later,i play my tar...and randa controls my life other than that, thats it...pretty much a whole lotta' nothing...but i do lov TAR, Movies, cake, poker, bacon, frends, H2O, video games, building logg houses, playing rugby, and prolly a million more things...,i jst have one thing to say and that *Potential is meaningless unless you do something...Success Requires Initiative*mmhmm ya so after that..how do ya feel...pretty good...well thats great...shut up ...byehehe....i love rugby marry christmas'...,LATER x_X

Background from Google search result

My Interests

God...cheese, coffee, tars, music, crap, poker, money, wallets, cell phones, mt. dew bottles, Ireland, Ireland Fight'n Irish and New Zealand All Blacks...Guinness... xbox...music...guitar...Chuck Norris Rugby n' FRKN SNWBRDN AND RUGBY MORE AND MORE i cant get enough of rugby ...RUGBY RUGBY RUGBY RUGBY RUGBY 5 x's ...i love it....DO YOU? x_X movies n' also video games meetin new people.... sharing the word of Christ !!!

I'd like to meet:

The Ghost in the Machine, JohnWHOP, spitfire Draper, Jessy Denison, THE BULL, DAllas DubliN. i hear that these idiots are friggin awesome so id marry them... SPICY MCHAGGIS...DROPKICK MURPHIES...everyone/everyone who's irish hahahahaha boom!!!, whoevers not Irelands Fight'n Irish rugby team, New Zealands All Blacks rugby team,the dude who invented lumberjack clothes, the dude who invented Guinness!!! x_X, the dude who invented rugbyGOD/Jesus and Jeremy Jesus and Arnold Swartchanaygger and uh...jerry seinfield....my real dads dad...chuck norris Eero Ettala....Shaun White..;chris cole... ur mom... billy bob thorton....tom hanks...pepsi co., Adam Aaron i hear he's pertty kewl and hes one crazy PSYCHO...x_X


The Ghost in the Machine, *they frikin rule more tahn MOAG*, Dropkick Murphys, 36 Crazyfists, Unearth, Slipknot, Insomnium, Arch Enemy, Becoming the Archetype, Flobots, Empending Doom, WhiteChapel, Dethklok, Protest the Hero, Death rides the skyline, Res. Life Rawks, The One band aka *shred*... Gaelic Storm, Ireland, nine irish brothers, flogging molly, the bleeding irish, the bloody irish brothers, The Blood of Cuchulainn= TBS, Irish theme song *pub song* Gunness Leaders, The Boondocks Saints Soundtrack *feat. TBS Theme Song* British Intelligence,116 clique AMPED, HAKA' MAORI', KAPA O' PANGO' Aaron Shust, SKILLET, RED, Destroy the Runner, Family Force 5, ManAfest, As I lay Dying, Mr. Elvis, Blue Root, Haste the Day, muse, Billy Talent, muse, 10 years, Nickelback, Maylene and the sons for disaster, Killswitch Engage, Breaking Benjamin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, UnderOath, MxPx, April Sixth, Torrid, Alien Ant farm, and lots of more music.... fo sho!!! X_x


Revolver, Chaos, The Boondock Saints, Braveheart, Fight Club, The Devils Own, Snatch, CRANK, 300, Hott Fuzz, the Departed, Sunshine, CloverField, Hitman, SmoKin AcEs, Snakes on a Plane aka *SOAP*, War, DareDevil, Shooter, the Recruit, 10,000 B.C., 21, *P.S. I love you*, Transformers, IRB world rugby cup '07 England vs. South Africa, The Condenmed , Reign of Fire, The transporter 1 and 2, I am legend, The One, the Mist, the Partiot, Shoot 'em up, V for Vendetta, Death Sentence, 3:10 to yuma, Strays, Gameplan, Saw 1,2,3,4, Southland Tales, Lake placid, Reindeer games, national treauser 1 and 2, Sahara, The Protector, Troy, U.S. Marshalls, the Zodiac, The DaVinci Code, Ong Bak the Muah Thai Warrior, HALO the movie (suppose to be one), a Snwbrd'rs life the movie (feat. shaun white, eero ettala) Extreme Days, the Italian Job, MInD hUntERs, 28 days/weeks later 1 n' 2... Dane Cook special...,SWAT, Tears of the sun,Pirates of the Carrbiean 1-2-and-3, we were soldiers, pitch black, signs, superman returns, batman returns, Godzilla, Conspiracy Theory, n' lots of bloody more movies hahax_X


Poker after dark, High stakes Poker, World series of poker, World Poker Tour, World Champions Tournaments, Heroes season 1 and 2, n' 3, Family Guy, Futurama, The Office, Smallville, the boondocks seasons 1-3...Prison Break...Setanta sports = mostly ALL THE TIME RUGBY BABy , IRB world cup rugby championships, Heineken cup rugby Premiereships, Guinness rugby Premiereships, rugby , Lacrosse Champs, M.U.TV., Gaelic Football, chelsea TV, Lost , fear factor, CSI, ...bla bla haha TVU...ten most wanted...sky angel..., , ,Walker Texas Ranger *its has chuck norris in it*, M.A.S.H, Spongebob Squarepants, X-play, N' MORe to comE...!!! and my fav. show is static tv....u no where the tv is frizzy and u jst stare into it hehe, that'd be her! haha ya oh and the blue/colors on the tv when it doesnt work ..thats also my favorite show to watch also hahaahahahaahahaha...ah...10110100110...hahahaaa get off it...stcu x_X


Jesus/God, CHAOS, the Ghost in the Machine, Stacked Poker (by Daniel Negraneu), The Irish Code, Fight Club Rules, (Erin Go Brah, Tiocfaidh ar la, Eire Airlann),the bible, 300 the book....the barbarian way , the prayer of jabez, Dressed to Kill, Rugby mags. 07' and 11' soon to be hehe...I LOVE THE BIBLE....SO GET OVER IT PLZ.BOOM
MyHeritage : Celebrity Collage - Geneology
MyHeritage : Celebrity Collage - Geneology
MyHeritage : Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
MyHeritage : Celebrity Collage - Black and white photographs
Your results:
You are Iron Man Iron Man 100% The Flash 90% Hulk 75% Green Lantern 75% Catwoman 75% Spider-Man 65% Wonder Woman 65% Robin 55% Supergirl 45% Superman 40% Batman 35% Inventor. Businessman. Genius.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
Your results:
You are Dr. Doom Dr. Doom 87% Venom 78% The Joker 77% Two-Face 75% Lex Luthor 74% Juggernaut 71% Magneto 70% Kingpin 70% Apocalypse 68% Green Goblin 67% Dark Phoenix 66% Riddler 64% Mystique 59% Mr. Freeze 58% Catwoman 56% Poison Ivy 46% Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity.
Click here to take the Super Villain Personality Test


GUITAR, CHAOS, My Ego, my goatee' Randa hehehe, chainsaws, axes, my guitar, my poker chips, Tom Petty, pepsi, COFFEE, Ireland *Emerle Isle itself*, Sacrifice, 4 leef clovers, Irish Blood Brothers, South Side Irish, anybody whos Irish, new zealand All blacks baby...Ireland, Guinness, SPF and NR and BC and GB,..Dane Cook....my black label skateboard...and ur mom and all my friends and well...my cat Wally ...i call him WALLY WORLD...or WAL*MART or wallace = amenGOD N' JESUS!Erin Go Brah, Tiocfaidh ar la, Braithre Thar Gach Ni...n' Donhnach na' Fola'...Nau Mai, Haere Mai' Otira' o' te' rargimanie' te' e' tika ana'!!!peace!chumps hahax_X...........

My Blog


The number one important thing in poker besides skill boils down to how focused you as a player are at the table and the level of your concentration. You could have superior psychological skills then ...
Posted by *DallaS DubliN* on Thu, 22 May 2008 03:59:00 PST

st. paddy jk’s....dig em

Saint Paddy Jokeroos How do you tell when your too DRUNK to drive....when you swerve to miss the tree, but realize its just your air freshner.hehehe Burn...Aint no trash been in me trailer, since thee...
Posted by *DallaS DubliN* on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:42:00 PST

sacrifice for the greater good

Listen up maggots, you are special, you are not a beautiful or unique snowflake, you are the same decaying organic matter as everything else, we are all part of the same compost heap! you are not your...
Posted by *DallaS DubliN* on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 11:47:00 PST

Erin Go Brah

Erin go brah - ireland forever Tiocfaidh ar la - our day will come... Ádhamh Mícheál Árón Equality = its new, its strong, and it shall be heard... Cad'e mar ata' tu, Ta' me'go maith! Is' math lio...
Posted by *DallaS DubliN* on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 11:45:00 PST

thus is Ireland

This is Ireland Category: Life This is Irelandby Marty MulliganThis is inspireland,This is desirelandThis is for hireland,This is legal quagmireland,This is aspireland,this is conspireland,This is bu...
Posted by *DallaS DubliN* on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 12:57:00 PST

Oi’ Oi’ Oi’ to all ye read thus

life be short , dont wanta' waste it, so dont frikin waste it, ther' be good and ther' be evil, in which most case, ye fear evil men because of the indiference of Good men... choose! wisel...
Posted by *DallaS DubliN* on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 11:58:00 PST

GOD ..is awesome

yeah this is my blog...pretty sweet huh...if anyone reads this...then say hi so i know it has been read.... thanks  and i love u a lot like i love RUGBY HEHE go New Z Z and here is my hotmail add...
Posted by *DallaS DubliN* on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 10:18:00 PST