New Stuff Is Coming Soon |
Hello everybody, we're just dropping in to let everyone know what we have going down in the coming months.First thing's first, we just finished recording our new EP at F² Studios in Petoskey, definite... Posted by on Wed, 07 Oct 2009 08:06:00 GMT |
Gear for sale! |
What's up guys? Just reminded you all that we have some gear for sale.First up is a 2x12 guitar cabinet. It's loaded with two 50W Weber Signature speakers. They cut through like champs and have a nast... Posted by on Sun, 06 Sep 2009 13:27:00 GMT |
Another Update |
First and foremost, we would like to thank all of the people and bands at our first two shows back on the scene. Thanks for the great time.Some of you may have noticed a new song in our set, called "T... Posted by on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 20:23:00 GMT |
Newest Update (Tons of News) |
There's a lot going on with Defessus these days. We have several big shows coming up, lots of tickets to sell, and a lot of people to impress.First off, we are still looking for a guitarist. Our long-... Posted by on Thu, 28 May 2009 19:35:00 GMT |
We need a guitarist! |
It's sad to say, but our long-time guitarist Robert Rose has stepped down from the band to pursue other interests in life.So, since we have multiple big shows coming up in the next few weeks, we need ... Posted by on Thu, 14 May 2009 21:45:00 GMT |
Breath Of The Fourth Winds Tab |
One of the next few tabs I'll be posting.This one is pretty simple and easy to figure out. Great sweeping excercise though! Posted by on Fri, 08 May 2009 15:19:00 GMT |
Modus Operandi Tablature |
We've been getting quite a few requests from people asking me/us to post a tab for one of our songs. So, I've decided to post the tab for Modus Operandi. It's a sweet song and all, but we've kind of o... Posted by on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 08:45:00 GMT |
Update! Update! |
Hey gang, this is Defessus letting you guys know what's going on with us at the moment.We are still looking for a bass player! Our awesome friend Ben has been filling in for us but we are still on the... Posted by on Thu, 11 Dec 2008 00:13:00 GMT |
We’re Not Emo Music, But This Is Close Enough |
Defessus has always had a strong union. Our members go beyond friendships, and we have become a family. Closer than brothers. We share our fears, our lives, or loves, and our tears. We have come a lon... Posted by on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 05:44:00 GMT |
Natural Evolution |
To all the boys, girls, and those of you who fall in between (you know who you are), we would like to take a moment of your time, which is likely worth a lot, so we'll be brief. Sorta.Music is a funny... Posted by on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 19:34:00 GMT |