gloom doom ... you know good times for all. enlightment in the darkest places. drinkin' large sums of guinness with my fellow fiends out for kicks. wisdom in the strange faces and playing with dead things in the catacombs.
unholy living dead... thats right, zombies! ... or the childern of cain. both are comrades of the time and flesh.
You Are Most Like Bill Clinton
No doubt, your legacy may be a little seedier than you'd like.
But even though you've done some questionable things, you're still loved by almost all.
What Modern US President Are You Most Like?
NIN, skinny puppy, type o negative,acid bath , blue oyster cult, grinderman, dax riggs, the rolling stones, blue oyster cult, nick cave and the bad seeds / birthday party, the stooges, big black, nirvana, pigface, christian death, bauhaus, wumpscut, kmfdm, joy divison, sisters of mercy, rocket from the tomb, alice cooper: check out the album killers / DEAD BABIES,acid bath, captin beefheart and his magick band, corrision of comformity, danzig, alice in chains, ogre, ministry, ccr, etc. etc. ... oh wait the doors
doctor strange love, fear and loathing in las vagus, any films by david lynch-eraserhead blue velvet dune twin peaks anything, easy rider, reefer maddness, the devil bat, last man on earth, astro zombies, dimension 13, orginial house on hauted hill, the shinning,
twilight zone, ren and stimpy, dark shadows, twin peaks, aqua teen hunger force, tales from the crypt
nietzche, anything from william s. burroughs,richard matheson's i am legend and short works, hunter s. thomson, anything from h.p. lovecraft , timothy leary's book of speeches, jim morrison's american nights , anything from edgar allen poe, aleister crowley's absinthe and the book of law, akron's interpretion of H.R.Giger's tarot set, the devil's apocrypha... i can't remember the author but if ya' read it, ya' know it doesn't matter, f. kafka... most tabu or occult writings are my taste, something differnt something true
kill your heroes, if ya' find yourself with ideals, if you dig deep, you'll find that same trait in you. don't worship other. be you in the strongest way you find fit.