just about anything that'll keep me occupied. but mostly ritualistic orientated piercing , and tattooing. My art, your art. music.
it doesnt matter who you are, or what you look like as long as your down.. NO freaks, preps, goths, vegans, straightedgers, punks, posers, nerds, dorks, or cowboys , neandrethals, invalids, outvalids, gays , straights need not apply...
speaking of music.I cant hold myself down to one thing. theres too many different styles of music to cover you thru a lifetime so I listen to what I like....
shit... Zombie holocaust, to raising arizona, fear and loathing to macross, revenge of the nerds, Caddyshack, anything John Cusack,time bandits, May, teenwolf, phantasm, tears of the sun, and on and on and on and on
The Family guy, monster anything, animal planet ,cartoon network, queer eye on a straight guy, trading places... A.D.D. much?
Dead By Dawn Remix
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well on my shelf is everything from Dean Koontz to Kalhil Gibran
My mother and father for showing me the way, and my cousin Jesse for showing me the path