Travel!!! Anywhere everywhere, mostly exotic and strange locations. I am also a constant design critic. I'm especially interested in architecture and and interior design.
Beethoven, Jesus, my mom again, and ummmmm....maybe Britney Spears just to ask her WHAT THE FUCK?!?
Nobody ever reads all the bands and artists people list off so I'm gonna go ahead and only mention Fred Penner. He's the most important anyways.
Love the movie 'Closer'. I'm also a huge fan of such science fiction classics as: Star Wars (obviously), and 2001 Space Odyessey.
I looooove Sex and the City!!! Im really into The Office lately too. both versions......I would love for Dwight and Gareth to meet. HA!!
Favourite authors are definitely Margaret Atwood, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. But my absolute favourite novel has to be Captain Corelli's Mandolin.
Carrie from Sex and the City. She breaks boundaries by simply being herself. She is a single, feminine career woman who does not compromise herself to satisfy other people's preconceptions of who they think she should be. She is shamelessly independant, smart, sexy and stylish! Also, she has fabulous shoes!