ROCKIN' THE BOAT! (Both Socially AND Politically!)
Co-Host/Sometimes Co-Producer of an INSANELY Successful
Podcast (with MY Good Friend Timm McCoy) Known as, Quite Simply, "The Zone"!!
.. Twisted F%&#@rs with the same taste in Movies, TV, Etc....
YOU know who you ARE!..
Anonymous Philanthropist Donates 200 Human Kidneys To Hospital
More VideosClassical to KISS with MOST Points in between!
Virtually ANYTHING from OSCAR WINNERS too the Not-So-Classic B-MOVIES from the Early Days of Cinema to the Present (see "Trailer Trash TV" below to see what I mean!)
"Trailer Trash TV" is a Cornucopia of PURE CRAP! Seriously, It's a legitimate Pop Culture Time Capsule! Take a trip back in time & Relive Classic Movie Trailers, Classic LOST Televison, Vintage Commercials AND Classroom Films You Wish you would've forgotten! Check it out HERE or go to WWW.VIDEO.GOOGLE.COM (type in "Trailer Trash TV" in the searchbar & download 'em FREE!!)If You're interested in Broadcasting TTTV in your cablesystem, feel free to drop me a line at [email protected]!If You're interested in SUPPORTING Trailer Trash TV, go to and FIND OUT HOW!
Anything that gets my interest.
Heroes is a VERY strong word. How about "People I Admire"? No Names specifically, just people who don't think above or look down on others, as well as having a sense of humor...