Myspace Codes:
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99 Questions
What Time is it now: 4:15
Single or taken: TAKEN
What does your name mean: HELL IF I KNOW
Who picked out your name: MY MOM
What's your nickname: BELLE
What color are your eye: BROWN
What size are your shoes: 7
How tall (or short) are you: 5'4"
Honestly what do you like about yourself: PERSONIALTY
What do you always get complimented on: LEGS& PERSONIALTY
What are the last four digits of your phone Number: YEAH RIGHT
Do you think you're cute: WELL I DON'T THINK I'M UGLY
Hair color: BLACK
Living arrangements: SHACKING UP
Favourite song: TOO MANY TO NAME
Favourite drink: SWEET TEA
Favourite alcoholic drink: TEQUILA
Favourite month: JANUARY
Favourite food: SEAFOOD
Favourite board game: CLUE
Favourite website: MY-SPACE
Favourite quote: WHAT THE FUCK EVER
Favourite day of the year: CHRISTMAS
Favorite color: RED
Favorite animal: TIGER
Do you have more girl or boy friends: BOY FRIENDS
Who's your best friend: MISSY
Are your parents together: NOPE
How often do you get together with the family: AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE
Do you see your parents or your friends more: FRIENDS
Do you think you are a flirt: OH YEAH
Are you slutty: ONLY IN THE BEDROOM
Do you like someone: YES
Can you can keep secrets: YES
Do you dance in front of the mirror: NOPE
Do you sing in the shower: SOMETIMES
Do you liked Britney Spears: NOPE
Have you liked a cousin: HELL NO!!!!
Have you been in the opposites bathrooms: YEAH
Have you ever hurt someone: YES
Have you ever been hurt: YES
Do you swear: HELL FUCK YEAH
Do you get your way: ALL THE TIME, I'M SPOILED
Are you're willing to try new things: YES
Have you ever cheated on a test: YES
What are you wearing: BLUE TEE SHIRT / JEANS
What color are your pants: BLUE
What are you listening to: LYNYRD SKYNYRD
How are you feeling: HAPPY
What are you doing now: FILLING THIS STUPID SHIT OUT
What are you eating: NOTHING I'M TYPING
How's the weather: NICE
What books are you reading: (JAMES PATTERSON) THE BIG BAD WOLF
How many lip glosses do you have: 2 OR 3
What's in your purse: HAIR BRUSH, CAR KEYS, WALLET
Tall or short guys: TALL
Blonde or brunette guys: DOESN'T MATTER
Do you like when boxers are showing: NOPE
Long hair or short hair on boys: DOESN'T MATTER
What's the first thing you notice about guys: SMILE
What was the last movie you watched: AMERICAN HISTORY X
What did you have for dinner: KFC CHICKEN
What are you hoping for: A NEW CAR
What movie do you really want to see: 911
Where is your favourite place to travel: FLORIDA
What did you last dream about: SEX
What was the last thing you ate: HAMBURGER
If you were a crayon what colour what would you be: TAN
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone: MY DAD
Do you like the person that sent this to you: FOUND IT
Ever had a crush on a teacher: YES MR.MOORE
Are you too shy to ask someone out: NOPE
Summer or winter: SUMMER
Relationships or one night stands: RELATIONSHIPS
Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream: VANILLA
Do you want your friends to write back: OF COURSE
Who is most likely to respond: GARY
Who is least likely to respond: DON'T KNOW
What did you do last night: AINT NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS
What time is it now: 4:29
Do you like movies with a sad or happy ending: HAPPY
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