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†Quintesece of Dust†

What a work is man; How limitless in faculties; in action how like an angel; in apprehention, how li

About Me

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My Interests


In the begining the word was with God. It must have been lonely because he created Man in his image to live with him; to communicate to him. But, as good intentions often do, it did not pan out. We created our own means of communication. Printing press, satalites, internet allow us to communicate with people all around the world. And now we have 'advaced' one step beyond. Imgagine communication with out saying a word. Television is simply that. We have become so decadent that we stare at a box and allow it to communicate with us and all we have to do is watch. In begining, the word was with God and now it rests in the minds of the decedent, there to remain silent, lost to the ages.


Hero's are for those who think too little of them selves to believe that they may be capeable of great things. In short they are scared of suceeding so they put that burden onto someone else. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am my oun hero. My sucesses encourage me to greater things while my failures sureve as a constant reminder that no one is Superman and the best we can hope to do is give it all we got.

My Blog

Eternal Sunshine

((For those of you who still pop in from time to time, I feel I owe you something. So if you get a chance to read a line or two and perchance to understand a bit more, then I commend you. This is the ...
Posted by †Quintesece of Dust† on Sat, 12 May 2007 08:45:00 PST


((Hello my faithful little droogs. Your Humble Narrator here. You must forgive me for my delinquency as of late, you see I am finding my time more and more consumed by other tasks of the mundane Varit...
Posted by †Quintesece of Dust† on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 06:59:00 PST


((Dearest readers, you may have noticed as you were mulling about, the mystifying space where my last post should have been. Do no fear, my dear reader, for my safety; I assure you that I am perfectly...
Posted by †Quintesece of Dust† on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 04:56:00 PST

Addictions and the persuit of life

Secrets are the root of our addictions and addictions are the root of our pain. You say you are some one and you are actually some thing entirely different. Sometimes you have to appear for so long as...
Posted by †Quintesece of Dust† on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 12:27:00 PST


I always said from the beginning the this would not be a typical blog; my life as I see it, no, I said that I would, in these lines that only a few of you will ever see, ever read and ever understand,...
Posted by †Quintesece of Dust† on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 02:14:00 PST

The Prestige

  There are three parts to every great illusion. The first is the pledge. You show them a seemingly ordinary object. I say seemingly because in all probability it isn't ordinary. You show them th...
Posted by †Quintesece of Dust† on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 11:01:00 PST

Dying to Live Part II

((Continuing upon the subject of Existentialism, I humbally submit my latest. Respectfull yours, Joshua)) What constitutes a life? Is it the simple act of metabolizing, or sky diving to know just what...
Posted by †Quintesece of Dust† on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 08:22:00 PST

Changing Lanes

((Welcome, once again, to my testiment of consciousness. You know the drill. Leave some love)) It's a funny realization to have when you finally see that each action has its own individual, potential...
Posted by †Quintesece of Dust† on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 07:17:00 PST

Dying to Live and Sleeping Awake

((Hello again. It has been a week so it's time for me to give a bit more of incite into this mad world of ours. I know there are those of you that, upon initially viewing the title of this one, t...
Posted by †Quintesece of Dust† on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 06:59:00 PST

Divine Providence

((Hey y'all as always, here is a little insite into my mind...shut up you've never been there...Anyway take some time and leave some love...))  Luck is simply defined as the theory that the arbit...
Posted by †Quintesece of Dust† on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 01:23:00 PST